Microview DHT11 Meteo Station

by masteruan in Circuits > Arduino

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Microview DHT11 Meteo Station

MicroView Micro Meteo Station.png
Foto del 29-12-16 alle 10.09.jpg

There a coworking space that have a air condition system very poor... Now when I go in this space I must were like in photo.

But now I've a little help from my MicroView. With Micro View Micro Meteo Station.

Do you want a MicroView? Try the inventor KIT

What's Micro View? See this page by SparkFun.

I use the Micro View for read and print on a little oled screen the value of temperature and humidity. The project works with a 9 volts battery, or a USB port. You can connect this on your computer, or use it stand-alone.

Now I put this in the coworking room. The chief don't ignore this silent demostration.

The materials are

1 X Microview

1 X DHT-11 humidity and temperature sensor

1 X Perfored tab

1 X 4.7k resistor

1 X 0.1uF capacitor

Connect the Microview


I have made a board with connectors, and 9V battery plug. You can connect all the components with a breadboard.

Connect the DHT-11 to power supply (5V), and to pin number 2 of your Sparkfun Microview. The DHT-11 needs a 4.7k resistor between the out pin and VCC pin. See the image.

After you can install the DHT-11 library by https://github.com/adafruit/DHT-sensor-library

Test the sensor with the example test library. Do you see the temperature and the humidity? Right! Now upload the code!

Upload the Firmware


Connect your Microview to your computer between the USB serial converter. Add the board of your Arduino IDE. For add the board select Tools --> Boars --> Board Manager --> Micorview.

Open the txt file. Copy the file on your Arduino IDE, select Microview like board, and upload the code.

See the Final Result


When you switch on the Microview you can see two values on screen. The first value is temp in C°, the second kind of value is Humidity in %.

If you want show the Fahrenheit temperature add this after int mt = t-(t*0.13);

int mf = mt * 1.8 + 32;

substitute this

widget -> setValue(mt);


widget -> setValue(mf);