Micro LED Throwie Sculpture (Sporeling)

by chiefchace in Circuits > Art

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Micro LED Throwie Sculpture (Sporeling)


       We will be making a true work of art, a sporeling or micro LED sculpture that utilizes a throwie for its base and foam packaging peanut as medium to work from...all hot glued together. I'm a former art student from the academy of art university in San Francisco, I love throwies and wanted to explore using throwies as medium for light. Momma sent me lots of packages filled with packaging peanuts and A friend of mine suggested I use a peanut for the base to start. Playing around with the luminous foam four hours, we used florescent acrylic rod and UV paint to carry light from the LED inside of the peanut. Behold the first sporeling.
        Immediately we made around 500 and coated the city with light. I have always gathered inspiration from nature and science, which gives me a strong love for these little creatures. The Sporelings remind me of a cross between some kind of exotic plant starting to grow and gelatinous deep sea bio-luminescent creatures. The uses for Sporelings are endless: christmas ornament, deep sea fishing lure, hood ornament, fridge magnet, broach if using another magnet and lets not forget pleasure, along with happiness, when gifted to someone. But the best is the eventual occurance of a random passer by observing your art in public, stopping to ask questions in curiosity...(from which you tell them to go to SPORELING.com follow the link to instructables and spread more light+love)

I did this instructable because I LOVE TO SHARE MY ART AND PROCESS! I want other people to make as many sporelings as they can! (till all you go broke from materials like me) PLEASE send me pictures of where you put them so I can post them on my website(SPORELING.COM) and together we can make the world creative again! happy germinating kids!



First off you will need music, possibly some kind of ambient harmonic dub style. This will help you find a rhythm and keep the white noise of the heat gun to a minimal.

After your favorite track is playing make sure you have tools ready, Heat gun, pliers, Glue gun, good mask and latex gloves.
your materials are:-creativity

-LED Throwie (please see throwie instructable for supplies)
-Fluorescent spray paint (montana,ace,alien)
-Fluorescent Acrylic rod (1/16.1/4.3/32.1/8) ordered from hobbylinc.com (The thicker rods are from Tap Plastics)
-packaging peanut
-packaging tape or electrical
-plastic strings
-glue sticks
-bucket of water
-metal hangar/file and pen not shown

Cutting Plastic Rod


  Cut plastic into desirable bending lengths with heavy duty pliers (I make rods between 1-12 inches long and use a file to round the plastic smoothly after cutting. smaller rods can be pulled apart at the heated spots creating interesting tentacle-like ends.)

Bending Plastic Rod

3-1: Using pliers place rod a couple inches above heat gun and spread heat evenly until bubbling occurs. (IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ARE WEARING YOUR MASK, FUMES ARE DANGEROUS)

3-2: Use other set of pliers to clasp the limp, mailable plastic end and twist your wrist to create interesting organic shapes.

3-3: Dip bent rod into water after desired shape is formed to solidify (it will be hot, use water!)

Packaging Peanut

4-1: Undo metal hangar and string peanuts in a hot dog line

4-2: wearing your mask again, lightly mist the string of peanuts in desired colors.( I splatter paint different colors to add interest.)

4-3: clear a hole through center of painted peanut using a pen, removing foam material as you go. This enables the rod to connect directly into the LED, illuminating the sporeling properly.

Build Sporeling

5-1: Insert LED into one end of the painted peanut (this will be the bottom)

5-2: Use a dab of hot glue a the end of bent rod and insert into painted peanut.

5-3: Make sure the rod is directly hitting the LED by testing it

5-4: add as many rods as desired

Attach Battery and Magnent

Cut tape, insert battery, wrap tape and magnet around. encase in hot glue if leaving outside for long periods of time.

Take Picture and Send to My Site

     Please take a picture of your beautiful work and send it to my email at chiefchace@gmail.com
I will post them on my website SPORELING.COM

I would love to see your amazing creative sporelings, especially where you place them in/around your cities or travels. On the site an interactive map is available to see where I placed sporelings in my area and you can post your sporeling spots too! We can find each others work in the best art gallery, the out doors! thanks and make sure to SEND IN PICS!