Michelada (cocktail)

The Michelada is a refreshing beer mix from Mexico with a huge variety in recipes. It became popular as Chelada in other countries. Don't try to be cool and order it as "Chela", that's just a cold beer.
350ml (12f oz) Mexican beer
1¼ limes
2 tbsp salt, coarse
1 tbsp chilli flakes/powder
2 dashes Worcestershire sauce
2 dashes Tabasco sauce
1 dash Jalapeño sauce
3–4 cubes of ice

Spread the salt and chili flakes on a plate. Cut the whole lime in half and rub it around the rim of the cocktail glass.

Upend the glass and dip the edge in the salt and chilli flakes. Use a small sheet of paper to shovel the mixture onto the glass.

Pour carefully the beer into the glass, don't smear the prepared rim or let the froth rise too high.

Squeeze a lime into the glass. Add the Worcestershite sauce, the Tabasco red and green sauce.

Stir, add some ice cubes and serve!

Here you can see the cocktail with my original Mexican cactus, Lophophora williamsii f. caespitosa. If you order Michelada in Mexico the waiter will ask you if you prefer ‘clara or oscura’, which just means the type of beer. Give a random answer.