Meteo Node IoT Smart Meteo Station

by masteruan in Circuits > Sensors

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Meteo Node IoT Smart Meteo Station

MeteoNode IoT Battery Meteo Station

I want make a device for monitoring the temperature and humidity in my office. There are many boards compatible with LUA or Arduino IDE. There are many boards that have wifi internet connection. I love Adafruit and I love all the products of this brand.

For my project I have choose the little and very smart Adafruit Huzzah Feather version. The Adafruit Feather are a complete line of development boards from Adafruit that are both standalone and stackable. They're able to be powered by lipo batteries for on-the-go use or by their micro-USB plugs for stationary projects. Feathers are flexible, portable, and as light as their namesake.

I use DHT-11 sensor. The DHT-11 is a smary sensor that have a goor response and a very little price. See on Amazon.

We also carry a complete line of accessories and Feather Wings to stack boards and add room for prototyping. At its core, the Adafruit Feather is a complete ecosystem of products - and the best way to get your project flying.

I choose Adafruit Huzzah because it board mount the ESP8266 chip. This is a chip that I use everyday in my projects and I love it.

You can buy Huzzah ESP8266 on AMAZON:

The Huzzah ESP8266 Feather version:

Also I use everyday Cayenne Dashboard. The Cayenne Dashboard is a perfect solution for everyone that want a simple way to share the data on the cloud or use MQTT protocol with Raspberry Pi or Arduino boards. The Cayenne is very simple and the community is a mine of projects and suggest. See the Site, subscribe for free today. Read the forum and talk with the users.

Adafruit Feather Huzzah


Feather is the new development board from Adafruit, and like its namesake it is thin, light, and lets you fly! We designed Feather to be a new standard for portable microcontroller cores.

This is the Adafruit Feather HUZZAH ESP8266 - our take on an 'all-in-one' ESP8266 WiFi development board with built-in USB and battery charging. It's an ESP8266 WiFi module with all the extras you need, ready to rock!

The Huzzah ESP8266 Feather version:


  • Measures 2.0" x 0.9" x 0.28" (51mm x 23mm x 8mm)
  • 9.7 grams
  • ESP8266 @ 80MHz with 3.3V logic/power
  • 4MB of FLASH (32 MBit)
  • Built in WiFi 802.11 b/g/n
  • 3.3V regulator with 500mA peak current output
  • CP2104 USB-Serial converter onboard with 921600 max baudrate for speedy uploading
  • Auto-reset support for getting into bootload mode before firmware upload
  • 9 x GPIO pins - can also be used as I2C and SPI1 x analog inputs 1.0V max
  • Built in 100mA LiPoly charger with charging status indicator LED, can also cut a trace to disable the charger
  • Pin #0 red LED for general purpose blinking.
  • Pin #2 blue LED for bootloading debug & general purpose blinking
  • Power/enable pin
  • 4 mounting holes
  • Reset button

Cayenne IoT for All


Cayenne is a perfect platform for developing your cloud project. Cayenne give you a complete solution for developing your IoT project. A dashboard that receives the data, store and also triggering it. You can send a mail for example or send a message. All the installation is very simple there are tonnes of video and many projects that you can view and remix.

Sign Up for free Now!

After that, you can add a board on your dashboard. Note your personal token. After, you must sign this in the Arduino code.

Install the Software

First of all download the Adafrut Huzzah drivers. You can see the docs on Adafruit official site, and download all the files.

After the first step, you can download the Arduino IDE, and add the Adafruit Huzzah board. Download the Arduino IDE from the official site, and follow the procedure for add the boards.

Add the Cayenne library by following the Arduino official guide. You can download manually the library and install by copying the files into Arduino libraries folder.

After that, you can upload the firmware on your board. Connect the Adafruit Huzzah board to your computer by using a USB cable, and upload the code by using the Arduino IDE.

REMEMBER: add your SSID and password for your WiFi internet lan, and your Cayenne token.

Download the code from GitHub:

Install the Adafruit Huzzah Feather ESP8266 on Arduino IDE


Enter into Additional Board Manager URLs field in the Arduino v1.6.4+ preferences.

Next, use the Board manager to install the ESP8266 package.

After the install process, you should see that esp8266 package is marked INSTALLED.

Close the Boards Manager window once the install process has completed. When you've restarted, select Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 from the Tools->Board dropdown

Details board

80 MHz as the CPU frequency

Flash Size at "4M (3M SPIFFS)

Upload Speed, select 115200 baud

The matching COM port for your FTDI or USB-Serial cable

This is the Arduino IDE 8266 support:

Make the Circuit


The DHT-11 sensor is a good sensor that gives you two values. Humidity and temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit.

You can find the DHT-11 on Amazon

You can use the DHT-11 on Arduino, and on Adafruit Huzzah. Connect the VCC and GND respectively to 3V and GND pins. After connect the data pin to pin number 12. The pin number 3 on DHT-11 is NC (not connected).

After that you can connect the battery plug, or a led. In my Project, I use a blue led on the bottom of the structure.. The led is connected to the Batt pin. When I connect the battery to the Adafruit board, the led switch on. Like you can see on the video, When the meteo-node is on the ground, like you can see on the video, the blue led lights the ede of the cloud.

Make Your Cayenne Dashboard

Schermata 2017-03-12 alle 19.26.50.png
Schermata 2017-03-12 alle 18.50.28.png

The last step is making your dashboard. I use two analogic style widget, for temp and humi values, one button for command the onboard led, and a numeric counter that show on the dashboard, the seconds of activity of meteo station.

Now you can leave the Meteo Node wherever you want, and it show you the temperature and humidity of ambient. You can leave the device far away from electricity, because the device have a lithium battery inside. Also, the Adafruit Huzzah, have a voltage regulator for battery charging. When you connect the Meteo-Node to the USB plug, you charge the battery.

Leave the device on your winery, and control the temperature and humidity of your vine by the work place. Or leave the device inside your car or inside your fridge and control the values of temperature and humidity.