Mermaid Wall Hanging

I screwed and glued Styrofoam on a board to build up the basic shape. Then used joint compound (plaster) to give it the proper full-figured form. I used a ceramic face I got from the Goodwill. Before the plaster set I poked in the prickly leaves from a Monkey Tail Tree to make the fishy scales. I used a little scrap of tin to adorn the part of the upper torso that was exposed. The tail was cut out of a plastic ceiling tile scrap that I salvaged from an Espresso bar that was part of a new QFC store we were building in Seattle. (I'm a commercial Carpenter). After a good dry time I begin a process of layering the paint. I do layers because I scrape, sand paper and steel wool off paint in some areas to expose the metal, jewels or trinkets I may have imbedded