Meet 'OOE' the Scrabble Robot

My mom loves scrabble and I wanted to make a gift for her for holiday. (Sorry mom, the surprise of opening the present is gone, but you can see how fun it was making this for you now!)
I made a Fun Word Holding Robot! His name is OOE (Pronounced EW-E).

A used game board, wood letters
Wood screws
Brass hooks
Drill bits
sewing needle
#2 Pencil
Metal hooks
Rubber bands (to help hold the boxes as the glue dries)
Band saw or hand saw
Breathing filter (due to cutting the board the saw dust is bad and will produce fine dust and fibers which are not good for your lungs)
Make the Body, Legs, Arms and Head

I used a marker to draw the size and shape of each box for the body, arms, legs and head. Be sure to wear a filter for your breathing, these board have very fine fibers and glue which can hurt your lungs.
Cut out each sections not needed, I also scored the back of each fold with a saw to help remove the layers to allow better folding. Fold up each body segment and glue.
A hint for Gluing each box: I used rubber bands to hold as the glue dried.
Glue Wood Shoes, Arms and Legs

I wanted my arms to be able to be positioned so I used two small wooden wheels with holes to mount them with a wood screws.
I added brass hooks that will allow his arms to hold words later in the build. Drill a small hole and screw in the brass hook.
Cutting the wooden holder in half i made the bottom part of the arms
I glued two small wooden sections from the letter tile holder to make some shoes. I also glued letters on the shoes.
Glue the legs on the bottom section of your body box.
Add a Face to the Head

I added more tiles to make a face and ears on the head. Wood glue and set aside to dry.
Put It All Together

I used a #2 pencil to allow the head to turn. Drill a small hole that will allow the pencil to poke through to the body (I drilled all three holes). Top and bottom of the head, and one in the top of the body.
Screw in the arms on the side of the body. Drill a small pilot hole for these wooden screws as well.
Drill All Wooden Tiles

Drill a small hole through the side of each tile at the top to allow string to be run through each tile spelling out your message to others.
"Love to Make" is the letters i will string together for my first pictures for this instructable, but you can do whatever words you would like!
String and Hang Your Words!

Run tread to spell your words, hang each loop on the brass hooks. and move the arms to make sure the words hang without touching the ground and allow for your robot to be heard!
I wiill be sending this to my mom for a present and i hope you got some inspiring ideas for making your own game board robot. i would love to see your design! Have fun making!