Medical Robots

by Gillit in Craft > Digital Graphics

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Medical Robots

intro shot 2.JPG
intro shot.JPG

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to make these medical robots I designed.


A computer and Tinkercad

Step 1: (Big Robot) Torso


Start out with a cylinder and turn up the sides. Then size it 24.25 tall and 35.25 in length and width. Next, pull out a square with size 13.03 tall 46.75 long, and 37.17 wide. Turn down the steps to 1 and set the radius to 2.64. Then place it above the cylinder.

Step 2: (Big Robot) Head

after flip.JPG
fnished eye.JPG
little boi.JPG
mostly head.JPG
actual cylinders.JPG

Drag in a cube and size it 21.84 tall, 36.79 long, and 28.74 wide. Set the steps to 1 and set the radius to 6.78. Next drag out two spheres that are 9.1 all around. Then drag out a cylinder with sizes 17.46 tall and 2.56 in length and width. Next drag the cylinders inside the spheres. Then place them on the side of the robot's head. Drag out a tube with sizes 10.2 tall with 10.9 in width and length. Then pull out a sphere with a size of 10.42 all around. Then place it in the tube. Next, pull out another sphere and size it 3.29, tall 4.2 long, and 2.35 wide then rotate it -35 degrees. Next, place it on the black sphere. Then turn it 90 degrees duplicate it and put it on the head.

Step 3: (Big Robot) Arm

more arm.JPG
even more finger.JPG
more finger.JPG
new cube.JPG
chicken nugget.JPG
more joint.JPG

Drag out a cube and size it 7 tall, 20 long, and 11.7 wide. Next, drag out a cylinder and size it 39.14 tall and 15.46 in length and width. Then set the bevel to 2.5 and raise it to 3.5. Drag out a cube and the size to 33.82 tall and 19.67 in length and width. Then set it to hole place it in the cylinder and group it. Then drag out another cylinder set the size 5.56 tall and 7 in length and width. Set the bevel to 2.5, raise it to 6, and set it to hole. Then center it with the cylinder and group it. Drag out another cube and size it 7 tall, 19.81 long, and 11.36 wide. Next rotate it to -32 degrees. Then drag out a cube and set the size 4.5 tall, 6.75, and 3.35 wide. Next, duplicate the box and rotate it to -34 degrees. Then put it together as shown above. Then duplicate it two times and place them like how it's shown above. Then assemble the arm like shown above.

Step 4: (Big Robot) Base

a wheel.JPG
more wheel.JPG
another cylinder.JPG
almost done.JPG

Drag in a cube with sizes 50.8 all around. Set the steps to 1 and the radius to 2.64. Then lower it to -33.82. Next drag out a holed cube and size it 33.82 tall and 60 in length and width. the lower it -33.82 and center it in the cube. Then group it. Then pull out another cube and size it 16.6 tall 35.9 long and 16.6 wide and make it a hole. Then lower it -6.5. Duplicate it then place it on both sides of the cube and group it. Next, pull out a torus and size it to 3.97 tall and 15.87 in width and length. Then pull out a cylinder and size it 3.97 tall and 11.55 in width and length. Center it inside the torus. Bring in a half-sphere with sizes 2.18 tall and 4.37 length and width and set it on the torus and cylinder. Pull out a roof and flip it on its side turn it hole and size it 4 tall, 5.08 long, and 2.54 wide. Duplicate it 3 times and put them together like this above. Next, center it inside the torus and cylinder and group it. rotate it 90 degrees duplicate it three times and put the finished wheels around the base like this.

Step 5: (Big Robot) Assemble It!

2 arms.JPG

Assemble the base, torso, and head like above. Then duplicate the arms and place them on the robot as shown above. Then drag in a cylinder and size it 6.35 tall 7 long and 6.35 wide, then turn up the bevel to 2.5. Then duplicate it and place it on both sides of the robot as shown above. Then place a red sphere with the size 15.16 tall and 13.19 in length and width. Then duplicate it. next drag a cylinder with the size 15.16 tall and 13.19 in length and width. Then assemble it like this. Next, duplicate it and place it on the robot's back like this.

Step 6: (Table Bot) Base

table base.JPG

Duplicate the base from the other robot.

Step 7: (Table Bot) Mid Section


Drag in a cube and size it 28.5 tall, 36.83 long, and 30.57 wide. Next, set the steps to 1 and the radius to 4.71. Now duplicate the eyes from the other robot and drag. Next, duplicate it and place it on the box as shown above.

Step 8: (Table Bot) Table

hole boi.JPG

Drag out a cube with the size 24.46 tall and 50.8 in width and length. Set the radius to 2.64 and the steps to 1. Next, drag out another cube size 20 tall, and 56.44 in length and width then set it hole. Move it up to 8.15. Group it then duplicate the table raise it up 5.35 and proportionally size it until the height is 7.4. Set it to hole and group it.

Step: 9 (Table Bot) Assemble It!

table man.JPG

assemble all the parts together like shown above.

Step 10: Customize!


Boom! that's how you make the medical robots. Now you can customize it any way you want like adding stuff on the table and making the robots look more complex by adding detail. Yeah, you're finished!