Mauretania Knot
Ashley gives no explanation for the name of this knot. It is ABOK 544. It is a 4 lead, 3 bight TH
I can give no estimation of how much cord you might need for your particular project. That will depend on:
Size of the core.
Diameter of cord used.
Number of passes used.
I used about 4' of 3/16" cord to make the example shown. It uses a marble as a core. The finished globe is 1" diameter and the loop is 5 1/2" long.
I trimmed the short end close to the knot and made the loop with the long end.
Bring the Working End around a mandrel (finger).
Bring WE under mandrel.
Bring WE under one strand.
Next bring WE under, over.
Bring WE under mandrel.
Bring WE over, under.
WE now goes over, under, over.
The knot is complete. Now begins the doubling (or more) process.
When you have made the desired number of passes remove the mandrel and insert your core in its place.
Gradually remove the slack until the knot is tight against the core.
Make the Loop
Once the globe is tightened cut one end close to the globe.
Bring the end of the other strand and wrap it around itself once.
and again.
Tuck the end through the two turns.
Tighten the knot. Trim the working end then slide the knot snug against the globe.