How to Make a Paracord Monkey Fist

by MIK3 H in Outside > Knots

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How to Make a Paracord Monkey Fist

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First start off by getting 5 feet of paracord, a small sphere object, scissors, and a lighter. In this case, I will be using a marble and neon turquoise paracord.


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First, take your lighter and melt the ends of your 5 foot paracord. (So that the inner string will not become undone. Second put the spherical object between 2 fingers like so.


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Now we will take one end of the paracord and let it dangle a couple of inches from your hand. Next we will wrap the paracord around your two fingers until it covers the width of the sphere


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Now we will take the longer paracord strand and wrap It once beneath your lower finger. Next take that strand and put it between your two fingers. Now, wrap the cord horizontally until you achieve to the height of the sphere.


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Now we can take out our finger from the loops. now take your strand of Pcord and insert it through the top loops and then the bottom loops. Repeat this until it fulfills the length of the sphere.(also you know when to stop by telling that all sides of the "monkey fist" have the same amount of paracord going through it) In the end of this step, you monkey fist should look something like this.

Getting Out the Slack

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You're almost done! But the sad knews is that this is the trickiest part! First we start with the loop that is connected to the smaller string. (This is hard to explain so bear with me). So the opposite loop of the loop that is connected to the string, pull that opposite loop to take out the slack out of the first loop. You will repeat this and every time you pull the slack out of a loop, you go to its opposite loop and pull it on the one side. If you do this correctly and do not go backwards, you should end up at the end of the paracord. Usually I do a second round and pull in all of the string like so in the picture. After that, do a whole other round of taking out the slack. When you pull out the the slack your ball should be very tight. You have finished! Now do whatever you would like to do with it!