Marvel and DC Man
I like comics and what better way to represent the different publishers than to create mascots for them. I used marvel and dc but I would love to also make and Image one or maybe and IDW Man :)
Finding Just the Right Shape
I found these guys at Michaels and they were only five dollars a piece. I really love how well the comics adhere to the plastic they are made of I didnt have to cover them in an acrylic paint to get the comics to stick.
Out of the Packaging
I took them apart because it made them easier to paint. Red for Marvel and blue for DC :) I got a little creative and modpodged the logo on their stomachs to further make them look like super heroes :)
Mod Podge and Piece Them Back Together
I placed the panels around the heads using modPodge and patience. When the pain was dry I put their arms back on and finished them with a polyurethane sealer.