Mars Living Space

by ahmedkadi3108 in Workshop > 3D Design

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Mars Living Space

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Hi guys. Today I did an mars living space. It's not impossible to do it. I made it with tinkercad. Here is the link:


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  • An Aurelia
  • Titanium houses
  • Fabricas( to make industeries and to make CO2)
  • Solar panels
  • Wind turbines
  • Treatment plant

Housing & Heating

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To establish a livable environment on Mars, we need to address housing and heating.


  • Titanium Houses: These will provide strong and durable shelter from the harsh Martian environment.
  • Insulation: Essential to keep the interiors warm and comfortable.


  • Creating a Thicker Atmosphere: To heat the planet and protect it from meteoroids, we need a thicker atmosphere. This can be achieved by increasing the CO2 levels.
  • Factories for CO2 Production: Factories can be set up to produce large amounts of CO2, a greenhouse gas that will help in warming the planet. These factories can also manufacture machines and tools required for the colony.


  • Growth of Microorganisms: CO2 production will aid the growth of simple microorganisms. These organisms will help create a more suitable environment by contributing to soil formation and possibly even oxygen production.


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Energy is crucial for sustaining life and operations on Mars.

Solar Panels

  • Solar Energy: Mars receives sunlight, which can be harnessed using solar panels. These panels will provide a significant portion of the colony's energy needs.

Wind Turbines

  • Wind Energy: While Mars has a thin atmosphere, it still experiences winds that can be harnessed using wind turbines. This will complement the solar energy, especially during dust storms when sunlight is blocked.


Food production is vital for the survival of the colony.

Soil Production

  • Microorganisms for Soil: The microorganisms mentioned earlier will help in producing soil suitable for growing plants.

Water Treatment

  • Treatment Plants: These plants will recycle water and manage waste, ensuring a steady supply of water for the colony.

Oxygen Production

  • Aurelia: This plant can be used to produce oxygen, supplementing the colony's needs if oxygen levels are low.


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Efficient transportation is essential for the movement of people and goods within and between Mars colonies.


  • Spaceships and Rockets: These will be used for long-distance travel between different cities on Mars and for journeys back to Earth.

Local Transport

  • Mars Rovers: While Mars has lower gravity than Earth, we can use specialized vehicles like rovers for local transportation.


Living on Mars presents numerous challenges, but with the right supplies, technology, and determination, it's a goal within our reach. By developing efficient housing, energy solutions, food production systems, and transportation methods, we can create a sustainable human presence on the Red Planet. The future of space colonization is exciting, and Mars is just the beginning.