Making a Rainboard Using RGB LED Lights to Create a Beautiful Color Changing Cloud

by athenahuangbanana in Circuits > Arduino

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Making a Rainboard Using RGB LED Lights to Create a Beautiful Color Changing Cloud


The inspiration from this creation comes from this website:

The original website instructed on making a rainboard using RGB led light strips, however, I have managed to change the led lights into the typical RGB light bulbs to make the process simpler and easier to make while creating quite a magnificent piece of artwork! The original design only focused on the beauty of the LED strips but, instead of focusing on the beauty of the LED lights themselves, I used the rainbow-colored effects to create a cool illusion for the color-changing cloud.


6x 74HC595 8-Bit Shift Registers

16x RGB LED light bulbs

1x Arduino Leonardo board

a few cable wires

How to Attatch the Wires

arduino picture.png

I followed the original instructions from the original author to plug the wires, the only thing I changed was skipping out the ULN2803 DIP 8-Channel Darington Driver as I used RGB LED light bulbs instead of using the LED light strips so I only used 6x 74HC595 8-Bit Shift Registers instead.

How the Cloud Functions


By using the RGB led light bulbs, the light bulbs code for the colors of the rainbow, going from red, all the way to purple. The patterns of this color moves from left to right and it creates a swift illusion as the colors mix and incorporates well with each other, giving a rainbow vibe. To make this cloud, I used 16 RGB LED light bulbs instead of using LED strips, as mentioned before, and I used 6x 74HC595 8-Bit Shift Registers while skipping out the ULN2803 DIP 8-Channel Darington Driver as I felt it was an unnecessary material if I were to use the light bulbs instead of the LED strips.


螢幕擷取畫面 (36).png
螢幕擷取畫面 (37).png
螢幕擷取畫面 (38).png
螢幕擷取畫面 (39).png

I didn't change the code, I followed the original code from the original design and it gave me brilliant results! By using the RGB LED lights instead of the LED light strips, I have managed to make the design easier to execute and I created something unique out of the rainbow colors from the RGB lights.


Getting the Lights to Work

Rainbow led RGB lights

After changing the LED strips into the RGB LED light bulbs and following the original instructions to connect the repressors from the author, I then connected the wires for each RGB LED light bulb. The final result of the color change is in the video from above. At the first attempt to try to get the lights flowing, I used an Arduino UNO board, however, the coding didn't work and the lights didn't shine any rainbow colors so I switched to using an Arduino Leonardo board which has proven to be a success. As can tell, the lights change into a variety of colors, changing from red all the way to purple.

Final Product

Arduino rainbow cloud project

The final product can be seen from the video above, the RGB LED light changes into a variety of rainbow colors, along with the cloud, it makes it look like an illusion. This design can be placed in a bedroom and it can be used as a nightlight!