Making a Large Audio Level Indicator Using KA2248 Module

by alaminashik in Circuits > Audio

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Making a Large Audio Level Indicator Using KA2248 Module


In this project, I will be making a simple audio-level visualizer using a simple module KA2284. This IC can directly control 5 Led's with increasing sound intensity. I will be upgrading this module by adding an array of 12V led strips which will be controlled via a few transistors connected to the circuit module. A detailed description is given below, hope you will enjoy it!


Items needed:

1 x KA2284 power led level indicator LINK

10 x BC557 PNP transistors LINK

4 x IN4007 diode LINK

1 x L7805 5V regulator LINK

5 x 1k ohm resistor LINK

1 x 1000uF capacitor LINK

1 x 47uF capacitor LINK

1 x 10uF capacitor LINK

1 x 0.1uF capacitor LINK

1 x 12V transformer LINK

Few single color long led strips LINK

Know the Components and Description

KA2284 module: The module has 4 pins. The supply voltage VCC for the circuit is 5V. The IN pin is connected to the output of your speaker and GND to the ground of your speaker. The potentiometer is used to control the sensitivity of the module.

BC557: The base is connected to the output of the ka2284 module using a 1k resistor. This acts as switch which turns on the led when a signal is given at the base.

IN4007: 4 diode used in full bridge rectification mode for converting AC voltage from the transformer to DC voltage.

L7805: This is a 5V linear voltage regulator that steps down 12V from the transformer to 5V and supplies the module with the required power.

1K resistors: Used to limit the base current for the transistors.

1000uF capacitor: used to smoothen the rippled DC signal

47uF, 10uF, 0.1uF capacitors: used for the proper functioning of the linear voltage regulator. The circuit will still work without these capacitors.

Test the Module


Connect the Transformer with the 7805 as shown in the circuit diagram. Then power the module. Connect audio input from your speaker as shown in the diagram. Play some music and the lights should start dancing, adjust the sensitivity as you wish. Keep in mind to connect the ground of the circuit to the ground of the speaker. If it works then proceed to the next step.

Cut the Led Strips

led strip.jpg

Cut the led strips at your desired length. I took measurements from the baseboard and then cut the led strips accordingly. Check if each led works by connecting them to the output of the rectifier(12V)

Build the Circuit

Circuit diagram.png

You can build the circuit in a Vero board for easier implementation

Prepare the Base and Complete

This video shows the working part of the project.