Making a Halloween Bag Out of Scraps

When I was younger, I used to get so bored of the regular old Halloween baskets. Then I got the idea of making my own bag. I had an entire box full of old fabrics and other random materials, so I used them to good use. It became a tradition for me to decorate my Halloween bag out of those random materials. This contest lets me relive those younger memories and let me do something I used to love to do!

Yellow foil paper
White string
Red paper
White fabric
Black fabric
Red fabric
Yellow gift bag
Red tissue paper
Get Your Gift Bag, Then Glue 1 Piece of White Fabric Onto the Bottom of the Front Side of the Bag.

Glue 1 Piece of the Yellow Foil Paper to the Top of the Front Side of the Bag.

Glue Another Piece of White Fabric Onto the Other White Fabric at the Bottom of the Front Side of the Bag.

Fold Another Piece of Yellow Foil Paper in Half and Glue It Underneath the Other Piece of Yellow Foil and Above the White Fabrics.

Glue the Sides of the String on the Sides of the Top of the Bag.

Turn the Bag Around and Fold a Red Piece of Paper in Half Then Glue That Hot Dog Side on the Top of the Bag.

Glue Some of the Red Party Paper to the Bottom of the Paper Dangling Off the Bag.

Get the Black Starry Fabric and Glue It Into the Middle of the Bag.

Get the Other Red Tissue Paper and Rip Them Into Many Pieces. Roll Them Into Balls Then Glue Them on the Top of the Bag on the Top of the Red Paper.

If You Want to Do the Sides, Then on One Side Glue a Long Piece of White Fabric, and on the Other Glue on a Long Piece of Red Fabric.

You’re done and now you have a cool homemade Halloween bag, ready to be used for the next time you go trick or treating.