Making Your Own Pure Essential Oil Diffuser CHEAP (NO DRILLING NEEDED)

by Rob in Kentucky in Living > Health

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Making Your Own Pure Essential Oil Diffuser CHEAP (NO DRILLING NEEDED)

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Screenshot 2024-11-23 at 10-49-05 Aerosol Delivery Devices – Virtual Museum.png

Making Your Own Pure Essential Oil Diffuser CHEAP (NO DRILLING NEEDED)

I’ve been seeing these pure essential oil micro mist diffusers for sale on the internet with prices starting at $75 which was the cheapest one I could find upto a few hundred dollars.

Well, being poor you don’t has many options except build it yourself… so I did.

WARNING: This is not like the water based diffusers. It is SUPER STRONG! It is designed to help with respiratory illnesses.

Why build?

A pure essential oil micro mist diffuser is; a cool diffusion of pure essential oils (1-3 microns), which produces a micro-fine vapor, preserving the natural essence of essential oils without heat or water. The diffuser uses a cold-air fish aquarium pump to force essential oil molecules through an atomizer (glass eyedropper pipelette) and into a micro-fine vapor, yet the chemical composition of the oils is retained. The vapor reaches up to a 1000 square foot area and stays suspended, for up to two hours.

The process is a lot like making Ozonated Olive Oil

(see video)

The diffuser can be placed right by their bedside at nite during times of sickness. No harm is done if the diffuser runs continuously, even if the essential oil chamber has been emptied.

The micro mist usually evaporates into the air before settling on surfaces, but I strongly encourage you to protect the surface where you place the atomizer. Place a ceramic dinner plate underneath the diffuser.

Research and/or antidotal testimonies demonstrate that cold air diffusing essential oils may:

• Reduce and eliminate virus, bacteria, fungus, mold. May help with allergy symptoms

• Relax the mind and body, relieve tension and clear the mind

• Improve concentration, alertness and mental clarity

• Stimulate neurotransmitters

• Relieve headaches

• Dispel odors

Cinnamon bark, Oregano, and the oils found in essential oil blends were all tested by Weber State University and shown to kill 100% of the airborne bacteria present when diffused into the atmosphere.

From: Herbal Nebulizer – A New Approach of Drug Administration

IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 5; May – 2015 p 1326 - 1331

Inhalation is one of the novel routes for the administration of drug especially when it is intended for the management of respiratory disorders. However, this route is as old as Ayurveda. Jivaka was the first in Ayurveda person who incorporate inhalation technique. Acharya Charaka (200 B.C) has also mentioned various Vamaka Yogas in which powder of drug had been inhaled. Asthma drugs are preferably inhaled, because this route minimized systemic absorption and thus, improves the ratio of the therapeutic benefit to the potential side effects. These medications used at the minimum dose and frequency required to maintain acceptable asthma control. The respiratory tract, which includes the nasal mucosa, hypo pharynx, and large and small airway structures, provides a large mucosal surface for drug absorption. The nasal mucosa is the only location in the body that provides a direct connection between the central nervous system and the atmosphere. The term Aerosol has a specific meaning denoting a fine dispersion of liquid or solid particle in a gas where the particle size is in 5-50 μm in diameter looks as mist or smoke.

Aerosol therapy refers to the delivery of a drug to the body via the airways by delivering it in an aerosolized form. Whereas the aerosolized drug may be intended for systemic use utilizing the vast surface area for absorption provided by the respiratory tract, the overwhelming majority of the aerosols are meant for topical use. This form of therapy has revolutionized the management of patients with various pulmonary diseases. Physical characteristics of aerosol particles including the size (diameter), density, electrical charge, hygroscopy, shape and the velocity of the aerosol have an impact on the deposition of the aerosol. These characteristics are dependent on several factors, namely the drug being used, its formulation and the device or the aerosol generator.


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Screenshot 2024-10-20 at 11-44-28 Black Straight Tip Glass Dropper Closure Top for 2 oz _ 60 ml (20-400 Neck Size) Boston Round Bottles - 12 Pack Industrial & Scientific.png

Materials needed:

Aquarium pump with adjustable air flow switch (Wal-mart starting at $10)

Aquarium pump airline hose (Wal-mart 8’ $1.88) Note: oxygen tubing at Ace Hardware is a better choice because it is rated to handle volatile oils.

Glass eyedropper pipelette (FREE – used and old pipelette from a 4oz bottle, pulled apart and cleaned)

Sugar pour jar (Dollartree $1.25)


Assembly instruction:

1. Connect the glass piplette to the end of the air hose. Depending on the size (width) of the pipelette, you may need to modify it so no air escapes around the pipelette seal where to two meet. I used a hot air gun to heat the end of the hose so it would fit inside the pipelette to seal it. I also wrapped the pipelette and air hose with aluminum foil to add protection from the essential oils. At full strength, EO's can melt plastics. (see image)

2. Run the other end of the air hose thru the sugar jar lid hole where the sugar comes out (SEE, NO DRILLING). Use caution as NOT to break the pipelette while working with it. It is very fragile.

3. Connect the air hose to the air pump.

4. Add your essential oil to the sugar jar (about one inch depth should do it). The sugar jar will be your combustion chamber.

5. Turn on air pump to lowest airflow setting and adjust pipelette so it is touching the bottom inside the sugar jar and bubbling (aeration) the essential oil. As the oil is bubbling, the aerated oil particles (1-3 micros) will escape thru the space/hole in the sugar jar lid you just ran the hose thru. You will begin to smell STRONG essential oils immediately.

What essential oils to use?

I am a big fan of Thieve’s Blend for fighting infection. I use Plant Guru Brand 4oz. Some people like Citrus, other like just Eucalyptus oil.

How long should I run it?

It depends. I can run it all night with no problem, but my girlfriend says she feels like she is high after about 2 hours of use. Everyone is different and handles essential oils differently. You be the judge.