Making Letters Out of PVC (W & R)

by Liam Murphy in Craft > Reuse

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Making Letters Out of PVC (W & R)

Photo on 1-24-14 at 9.11 AM #2.jpg
Hello! Today we will be making letters of the alphabet, specifically letters "W" & "R"

The "W" (making the Wonderwoman "W" cuz, yee) will require:
- 5 90 deg. Elbow joints
- 2 45 deg. Elbow joints
- 2 Tee joints
- 6 1in Pipes (or any size that will connect the joints flush to one another)
- 4 5in Pipes
- 2 3.5in Pipes

(W) Step One: Supplies

Photo on 1-24-14 at 9.07 AM.jpg
You will need
- 5 90 deg. Elbow joints
- 2 45 deg. Elbow joints
- 2 Tee joints
- 6 1in Pipes (or any size that will connect the joints flush to one another)
- 4 5in Pipes
- 2 3.5in Pipes

(W) Step Two: Basing It Up

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Using the connecting pieces and the 90 deg. Elbow joints, Make a "W" shape as shown in the image.

(W) Step Three: Climbing Up

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After your "W" shape is made, you're going to want to throw two 45 deg. Elbow joints to the ends.

(W) Step Four: Climb On

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Put two five inch pipes on either side to start the signature Wonderwoman "W"

(W) Step Five: Step Five

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Add tee joints - facing outward - to the top of the five inch pieces.

(W) Step Six: Starting to Look a Lot Like Wonderwoman

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Add a 90 deg. Elbow Joint to the tops of the tee joints (facing outward) using the connecting pipe.

(W) Step Seven: 7

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Put the remaining five inch pieces on the top holes to replicate the image.

(W) Step Eight: Final Step

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Now make put the remaining two 3.5 inch pipes on the bottom tee joint... and you're done.

The Wonderwoman "W"

Photo on 1-24-14 at 9.11 AM #2.jpg

(R) Step One: Supplies

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For the "R" you will need:
- 5 90 deg. Elbow joints
- 5 45 deg. Elbow joints
- 1 tee joint
- 3 1in Pipes (or any pipe that can serve as connecting the joints so they are flush together)
- 1 6in Pipe
- 1 4.5in Pipe
- 1 5in Pipe
- 1 10in Pipe
- 1 13in Pipe
- 1 8.5in Pipe

(R) Step Two: Bases

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Start by taking two 45 deg. Elbow joints and put them together, then take your 4.5in pipe put it in one of them

(R) Step Two

Photo on 1-24-14 at 12.27 PM #2.jpg
Add the 5in pipe on the side.

(R) Step Three

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Throw a 90 deg. Elbow on the shorter pipe like so:

Step Four

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Add the Nine inch pipe on the other side, add two 45deg. joints on the end of the shorter one.

Step Five

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Put a Tee joint on the side of the 9 inch pipe, followed by a 45 deg. Elbow joint.

Step Six

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Put the 11in pipe on the side that goes straight down

Step Seven

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Put the 13in piece on the open 45 deg. Elbow

Step Eight

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Attach Six inch pipe to back to allow freestanding ability

Step Nine (Continuation of Step Eight)

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Repeat but for the other side.

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