Makeblock Walle
The Makeblock Walle uses 2 DC motors, 3 servos, wheels, track, Arduino, and other Makeblock modules. It can move automaticly or controlled by an Android phone or an IR controller.
So far the robot can be controlled by an IR remote controller, and it can also be controlled by the Smartphone through the Bluetooth. The special application for Android Phone is in planning.
For more information, please visit Makeblock website listed below:
Getting Started
This instructable, Makeblock Walle, will show you the step-by-step instructions on how to build a Walle by Makeblock.
Now let's have some fun!
Materials List
Materials List:
2 × Beam 0808-160
1 × Beam 0824-80
5 × Beam 0824-144
8 × Beam 0824-160
4 × Bracket 3×3
2 × Bracket 3×6
2 × Plate 3×6
1 × Servo Motor Bracket
1 × 25mm Motor Bracket
4 × Timing Pulley 90T
2 × Timing Pulley 66T
38 × Track
38 × Track Pin
2 × Shaft Connector 4mm
12 × Flange Bearing 4×8×3mm
4 × Threaded Shaft 4×31mm
4 × Shaft Collar 4mm
6 × Headless Screw M3×5
4 × Copper Stud M4-15
12 × Plastic Rivet R4120
4 × Plastic Rivet R3075
Plastic Ring
4 × Countersunk Screw M3×8
Screw M4×8
Screw M4×14
Screw M4×22
Nut M4
Electronic Modules List:
1 × Arduino
1 × Acrylic Arduino Bracket
1 × Me-BaseShield
1 × Battery Holder
1 × Acrylic Battery Bracket
3 × Servo Motor
2 × Me–Servo Driver
2 × DC Motor 25mm
2 × Wire
1.5mm Hexagonal Screwdriver
3mm Hexagonal Screwdriver
Cross Screwdriver
Pincer Pliers
Build the Chassis & Wheels
Materials List:
1 × Beam 0824-144
2 × Beam 0824-160
4 × Timing Pulley 90T
2 × Timing Pulley 66T
2 × Plate 3×6
2 × 25mm Motor Bracket
2 × DC Motor 25mm
4 × Threaded Shaft 4×31mm
4 × Shaft Collar 4mm
6 × Headless Screw M3×5
8 × Flange Bearing 4×8×3mm
2 × Shaft Connector 4mm
4 × Countersunk Screw M3×8
4 ×Nut M4
Screw M4×14
Plastic Ring
1. Insert the Threaded Shaft 4×31mm into 3 Plastic Rings.
2. Insert the Threaded Shaft 4×31mm with Plastic Rings into the Flange Bearing 4×8×3mm.
3. Install the Threaded Shaft 4×31mm with the Flange Bearing 4×8×3mm into the Timing Pulley 90T.
4. Turn over the Timing Pulley Slice 90T.
5. Insert the other Flange Bearing 4×8×3mm into the Timing Pulley 90T.
6. Put the Shaft Collar 4mm on the Threaded Shaft 4×31mm.
7. Insert a Headless Screw M3×5 into the Shaft Collar 4mm by a 1.5mm Hexagonal Screwdriver.
8. Install a Plastic Ring on the Threaded Shaft 4×31mm.
9. Build another 3 wheels as step 1 to step 8 discribe.
10. Install the 25mm Motor Bracket on the DC Motor 25mm.
11. Insert 2 Countersunk Screw M3×8 into the25mm Motor Bracket to install the DC Motor.
12. Insert the DC motor with Motor Bracket into the Beam 0824-160.
13. Insert a Screw M4×14 to install the DC motor on Beam 0824-160.
14. Install the Shaft Connector 4mm on the DC motor.
15. Insert a Headless Screw M3×5 into the Shaft Connector 4mm.
16. Bulid another DC motor holder as step 10 to step 15 discribe.
17. Install Beam 0824-144 on the DC motor holder by a Screw M4×14.
18. Install Beam 0824-144 on another DC motor by a Screw M4×14 to build the Chassis.
Attach the Wheels to the Chassis
Materials List:
DC motor holder
2 × Timing Pulley 90T Wheel
2 × Timing Pulley 66T Wheel
2 × Timing Pulley 90T
2 × Plate 3×6
8 × Screw M4×14
4 × Nut M4
1. Install a Plate 3×6 on the DC motor holder with 2 Screw M4×14.
2. Insert and tighten Nut M4 per screw.
3. Install another Plate 3×6.
4. Install a Timing Pulley 66T Wheel on the Plate 3×6.
5. Insert and tighten Nut M4 to the Timing Pulley 66T Wheel.
6. Install another Timing Pulley 66T Wheel.
7. Install a Timing Pulley 90T to the DC motor on the Shaft Connector 4mm.
8. Insert and tighten Nut M4 to the Timing Pulley 90T.
9. Install another Plate 3×6.
10. Install a Timing Pulley 90T Wheel on the DC motor holder.
11. Install another Timing Pulley 90T Wheel.
Build the Head of Walle
Materials List:
1 × Beam 0824-80
2 × Timing Pulley 90T
2 × Bracket 3×6
1 × Servo Motor Bracket
2 × Bracket 3×3
2 × Flange Bearing 4×8×3mm
1 × Servo Motor
7 × Screw M4×8
7 × Screw M4×14
2 × Nut M4
1. Insert the Flange Bearing 4×8×3mm per Timing Pulley 90T.
2. Put the Timing Pulley 90T with Flange Bearing 4×8×3mm on Beam 0824-80.
3. Insert the Screw M4×14 per Timing Pulley 90T.
4. Turn over the Timing Pulley 90T and Beam 0824-80.
5. Insert and tighten Nut M4 per screw.
6. Install a Bracket 3×6 on Beam 0824-80 by 2 Screw M4×8.
7. Install another Bracket 3×6.
8. Install the Servo Motor Bracket on the Servo Motor.
9. Install a Bracket 3×3 on the Servo Motor by 2 Screw M4×8.
10. Install another Bracket 3×3 on the Servo Motor Bracket by 2 Screw M4×8.
11. Put the Servo Motor and Bracket on Beam 0824-80.
12. Insert and tighten 2 Screw M4×8 to install the servo on Beam 0824-80.
Build the Body of Walle
Materials List:
2 × Beam 0824-144
2 × Beam 0824-160
2 × Servo Motor
2 × Me-Servo Driver
12 × Screw M4×14
4 × Screw M4×8
1. Install the Servo Motor on 0824-160 by 4 Screw M4×14 to build 2 servo holder.
2. Install a servo holder on Beam 0824-144 by 2 Screw M4×14.
3. Install anothor servo holder on Beam 0824-144 by 2 Screw M4×14.
4. Install a Beam 0824-144 on the servo holder by 2 Screw M4×14.
5. Install the Beam 0824-144 on another servo holder by 2 Screw M4×14.
6. Install a Me-Servo Driver on Beam 0824-144 by 2 Screw M4×8.
7. Install another Me-Servo Driver on Beam 0824-144 by 2 Screw M4×8.
Add the Head to the Body
Materials List:
2 × Screw M4×8
1. Install the Head on the Body by 2 Screw M4×8.
Attach Arduino and Battery Holder to Beam 0824-144
Materials List:
1 × Beam 0824-144
1 × Arduino
1 × Acrylic Arduino Bracket
1 × Me-BaseShield
1 × Battery Holder
1 × Acrylic Battery Bracket
4 × Plastic Rivet R4060
1. Put the Battery Holde with Acrylic Battery Bracket on Beam 0824-144.
2. Insert 2 Plastic Rivet R4060 to install the Battery Holde with Acrylic Battery Bracket on Beam 0824-144.
3. Put the Arduino with Acrylic Arduino Bracket and Me-BaseShield on Beam 0824-144.
4. Insert 2 Plastic Rivet R4060 to install the Arduino with Acrylic Arduino Bracket and Me-BaseShield on Beam 0824-144.
Add Arduino and Battery Holder to the Body
Materials List:
4 × Screw M4×14
1. Install the Arduino and Battery on the Body by 4 Screw M4×14.
Add the Chassis to the Body
Materials List:
4 × Beam 0824-160
16 × Screw M4×14
1. Install a Beam 0824-160 on the Chassis by 2 Screw M4×14.
2. Install another 3 Beam 0824-160.
3. Install the Body on the 4 Beam 0824-160 by 8 Screw M4×14.
Add the Arms of Walle
Materials List:
2 × Beam 0808-160
2 × Bracket 3×3
4 × Copper Stud M4-15
4 × Screw M4×14
4 × Screw M4×8
Plastic Ring
1. Install 4 Copper Stud M4-15 on 2 servo.
2. Insert Screw M4×14 with Plastic Ring into Beam 0808-160.
3. Install the arm on the servo.
4. Install another arm.
Build the Track
Materials List:
38 × Track
36 × Track Pin
1. Insert a Track Pin into 2 Tracks to make the track together.
2. Make a long track by 19 Track and 18 Track Pin.
3. Make another long track as the same.
Add the Track to the Body
Materials List:
2 × Track Pin
1. Install a long track on the wheels by a Track Pin.
2. Install another long track.
Add the Me-Infrared Reciever to Walle
Materials List:
1 × Me-Infrared Reciever
2 × Screw M4×8
1. Install the Me-Infrared Reciever on Walle by 2 Screw M4×8.
Attach the Wires to Connect the Electronic Modules
Materials List:
3 × Telephone Line
1. Connect Me-Servo Driver 1 to Me-Base Shield on Port1 by a telephone line.
2. Connect Me-Servo Driver 2 to Me-Base Shield on Port 2 by a telephone line.
3. Connect Me-Infrared Receiver to Me-Base Shield on Port6 by a telephone line.
4. Connect the servo on left hand to Me-Servo Driver 1 on Port SERO-1.
5. Connect the servo on right hand to Me-Servo Driver 1 on Port SERO-2.
6. Connect the servo on the Head to Me-Servo Driver 2 on Port SERO-1.
7. Connect the left DC motor on Me-Base Shield on Port M1.
8. Connect the right DC motor on Me-Base Shield on Port M2.
9. Add the batteries to the Battery Holder
Upload the Arduino Code
Materials list:
1 × USB Cable(A plug to B plug)
1 × IR remote Controller
1. Connect the Arduino to the computer by using the USB cable.
2. Connect the Battery on the Arduino.
3. Upload the Arduino Code of Walle.
The Arduino Code and the application for windows can be downloaded here: or
The Walle can also be controlled by the SmartPhone through the bluetooth, and the special application for Android Phone is in planning.