Make Your Own Nerf Darts. AKA: Stefans.

by twisted in Outside > Launchers

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Make Your Own Nerf Darts. AKA: Stefans.

C:\Documents and Settings\Justin\My Documents\My Pictures\camera\instructables\Nerfdarts\nerf1.JPG
C:\Documents and Settings\Justin\My Documents\My Pictures\camera\nerf guns\CS6\sexy2.JPG
we are goin to be making homemade nerfdarts called "Stefans" they will out preform ANY stock nerf dart.

they are simple and easy to make, I made 200 in 45 minuets.

I aslo sell modded nerf guns and homemade nerf darts on ebay. if you are interested, I can set up a auction for you at a set price. So, if you have any modded guns that you would like to buy, or just want some darts, send me a message and ill see what i can do.

Gather the Stuff.

C:\Documents and Settings\Justin\My Documents\My Pictures\camera\instructables\Nerfdarts\nerf2.JPG
To make your own black darts of foamy death, you will need:

1. Foam backer rod. I use the 1/2 inch size. (the black stuff in the pic. its very cheap.)
2. BB's (or other weights, fishing weights work too.)
3. Hot glue and hotglue gun.
4. Pillow case
5. Hair dryer

got it all? ok! good, lets go to the next step.

Cut Your Darts,

C:\Documents and Settings\Justin\My Documents\My Pictures\camera\instructables\Nerfdarts\nerf4.JPG
Cut your foam backer rod into 1.5 inch lengths. I have tested them at all different lengths, I seem to like 1.5 inchs the best.

They will usually have a slight curve to them.

place your "blank" darts into the pillow case... insert the hair dryer into in pillow case and turn it on. the hot air will strighten the darts and get rid of any curves that would affect their acuraccy.

With the hair dryer on, and in the bag, shake the bag for about 1-2 minuets. Then let the blanks cool for a minuet or so.

okay, your ready to weight them! to the next step!

Weight Your Darts.

C:\Documents and Settings\Justin\My Documents\My Pictures\camera\instructables\Nerfdarts\nerf5.JPG
C:\Documents and Settings\Justin\My Documents\My Pictures\camera\instructables\Nerfdarts\nerf6.JPG
Take your blank darts, and either hold one, or put it into some kinda stand.
Then, using the hot tip of the hotglue gun, make a small hold in teh top of the dart, this will be where the weight goes. dont add any glue yet,

now, drop a single bb' into the hole you just made, and put hot glue over it to hold it in place.

wait for it to cool and BAM! you have a amazingly awsome homemade nerf dart!

*repeat this step 99 more times*

Go Nerf

C:\Documents and Settings\Justin\My Documents\My Pictures\camera\instructables\Nerfdarts\nerf7.JPG
C:\Documents and Settings\Justin\My Documents\My Pictures\camera\instructables\Nerfdarts\nerf8.JPG
C:\Documents and Settings\Justin\My Documents\My Pictures\camera\instructables\Nerfdarts\nerf9.JPG
Now, take your newly made foam of destruction, put it into a nerf gun, and go shoot your brother......errrrr a target

The first pic below is the 100 that i made.... the 3rd pic is the welt they leave.

have fun and be safe! ALWAYS where eye protection when using these darts, they can seriously hurt you. (note the welt in the third pic.)