Make an Awsome Fuse

by mspark400 in Outside > Fire

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Make an Awsome Fuse

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How to make an awsome fuse with easily attainable products that doesnt leave a trace and lights easily.

Get Your Materials

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To make this fuse all you need is ...
Yarn (as long as you want your fuse to be)
a rocket engine (technicly optional but is somewhat important)
rubbing alcohol ( also technicly not required)
clear nail polish ( works pretty well)or
colored nail polish( works very well)

If Using Rocket Enging...

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first get the rocket engine, an a or b size will do, if you are not over 18 this could be a problem but they are easy to get. just go to a hobby store, what the rocket engine will do to the fuse is increase the flame an give off puffs of explosion.

Ok so get your engine, lay it on a big piece of paper on concrete or a hard surface. lay it on its side, gently tap the side that is up with a hammer starting at one end. you should see the cement or black charge braking apart. continue breaking util the tube is empty.
break the pieces you have now until they are close to a fine powder. be careful

sorry no pics of this yet possibly another instructable

Lay Out Your Fuse and Unwind

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tape one endn of your yard to a table. put a piece of paper unter it and tape the other side down. WAIT! before you tape the second end, untwist the yarn so it is less tightly twisted.this will help it retain more of the rocket engine or nail polish.

Using Nail Polish and Rocket Engine

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Lightly paint the yarn all over with the nail polish, i have found that colored polish works better. when you have a good coating, spinklke the wet polish with the rocket engine. make sure most of it sticks. the paper underneath catches excess engine to be used again.

Let It Dry!

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It should only take a couple minutes to dry and then YOU'RE FINISHED!!!

Alternate Methods

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1) coating just yarn in alchohol will work as a fuse, but you have to use it before the alchohol dries. the yarn it self will work but only moderately.
2)you can roll the yarn in just engine and it will work somewhat better than just yarn.
3) just polish

Time to Light!

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Using an ordinary lighter you can light the fuse.

1) the first pic is with clear with engine
2) the second pic is with colored with engine.

Last not , be careful there is serious flare and danger to these,USE COMMON SENSE and HAVE FUN!!!