Make an Electric Fan With FireBeetle Board ESP32

by Jaychouu in Circuits > Arduino

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Make an Electric Fan With FireBeetle Board ESP32

Make an Electric Fan with FireBeetle Board ESP32

Summer is coming with steadily increasing warmth. Now, it is a right time to prepare a summer thing──fanner! Therefore, I have bought a small fanner on line; it is good except that it cannot steering.

However, is this a problem? No! As a creative engineer, it’s my show time!

Hardware in Need


FireBeetle ESP32 controller × 1

FireBeetle Covers-Gravity I/O Expansion Shield × 1

Gravity: I2C OLED-2864 Display × 1

BME temperature-humidity sensor × 1

EC11J rotary encoder × 1

9g micro servo (1.6kg)× 1

Dupont line × 10 Crust printed by Overlord 3D printer× 1

* No need for soldering during the whole working process.

Hardware Connection


Connect I2C interface of OLED12864 directly to I2C interface of Gravity Expansion shield, and connect A of EC11J rotary encoder to D0, B to D1, C to D8. Then connect the micro servo to D3 and connect SPI interface of BME280 directly to SPI interface of Gravity Expansion shield, CS (Chip Select) to D5.

The Circuit Diagram is as below:

Print the Crust With 3D Printer.


Click here to download the program and the source code for 3D printing.

This is printed by Overlord 3d printer.

Fix the Rotary Encoder to the Crust


Fix with holt-melt glue

Connect EC11J to Gravity Board with Dupont

Fix OLED2864 to the Crust

Connect OLED display to Gravity board with Dupont and the connection interface is I2C

Connect BME280

BME280 uses SPI interface, please refer to the previous circuit diagram for details of connection

Allocate the Fan


Remove the lithium battery and connect the power supply of the fan to Vcc and GND of FireBeetle ESP32, edge connecting the lithium battery to FireBeetle ESP32. Then set connect the micro servo to D3.

Fix Dupont wires with holt-melt glue

Set the micro servo with holt-melt glue

Complete Machine Assembly


Cover the bottom and fix it with hot-melt glue, and download the program.


#include // Only needed for Arduino 1.6.5 and earlier
#include #include "SSD1306.h" // alias for `#include "SSD1306Wire.h"` #include "OLEDDisplayUi.h" #include "images.h" #include #include #define SEA_LEVEL_PRESSURE 1013.25f #define BME_CS D5 SimpleTimer timer; int timeCounter = 0; boolean uiEnable = true; DFRobot_BME280 bme(BME_CS); //SPI SSD1306 display(0x3c, D7, D6); Servo mymotor; OLEDDisplayUi ui( &display ); enum model{ MODEL_NULL, MODEL_LEFT, MODEL_RIGHT, MODEL_BUTTON }; enum setFrame{ SET_NULL, SET_FRAME_2_ON, SET_FRAME_2_OFF, SET_FRAME_3_ON, SET_FRAME_3_OFF }; enum motorModel{ MOTOR_AUTO, MOTOR_STATIC }; char commondModel = MODEL_NULL; char setFrameValue = SET_NULL; char motorState = MOTOR_STATIC; int encoderPinA = D0; int encoderPinB = D1; int buttonPin = D8; volatile int lastEncoded = 0; volatile long encoderValue = 0; long lastencoderValue = 0; int lastMSB = 0; int lastLSB = 0; int speedValue = 5; int angleValue = 90; boolean dir = true; int frameIndex = 0; long readEncoderValue(void){ return encoderValue/4; } boolean isButtonPushDown(void){ if(!digitalRead(buttonPin)){ delay(5); if(!digitalRead(buttonPin)){ while(!digitalRead(buttonPin)); return true; } } return false; } void msOverlay(OLEDDisplay *display, OLEDDisplayUiState* state) { if(frameIndex == 0) return; display->setTextAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT); display->setFont(ArialMT_Plain_10); display->drawString(128, 0, String(angleValue)); } void drawFrame1(OLEDDisplay *display, OLEDDisplayUiState* state, int16_t x, int16_t y) { display->setTextAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); display->setFont(ArialMT_Plain_24); display->drawString(15 + x, 10+ y, "ChoCho"); } void drawFrame2(OLEDDisplay *display, OLEDDisplayUiState* state, int16_t x, int16_t y) { float temp = bme.temperatureValue(); float pa = bme.pressureValue(); float hum = bme.altitudeValue(SEA_LEVEL_PRESSURE); float alt = bme.humidityValue(); // Demonstrates the 3 included default sizes. The fonts come from SSD1306Fonts.h file // Besides the default fonts there will be a program to convert TrueType fonts into this format display->setTextAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); display->setFont(ArialMT_Plain_16); display->drawString(x, y,String("Temp: ")+String(temp)); display->drawString(x, 17 + y, String("Hum: ")+String(alt)); display->drawString(x, 34 + y, String("Pa: ")+String(pa)); } void drawFrame3(OLEDDisplay *display, OLEDDisplayUiState* state, int16_t x, int16_t y) { // Text alignment demo display->setFont(ArialMT_Plain_16); // The coordinates define the left starting point of the text display->setTextAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); display->drawString(x, y, "Set Speed"); display->drawString(40+x, y+17,String(speedValue)); } void drawFrame4(OLEDDisplay *display, OLEDDisplayUiState* state, int16_t x, int16_t y) { // Text alignment demo display->setFont(ArialMT_Plain_16); // The coordinates define the left starting point of the text display->setTextAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); display->drawString(x, y, "FAN Model"); if(motorState == MOTOR_STATIC){ display->drawString(40+x, y+27,"STATIC"); }else if(motorState == MOTOR_AUTO){ display->drawString(40+x, y+27,"AUTO"); } } // This array keeps function pointers to all frames // frames are the single views that slide in FrameCallback frames[] = { drawFrame1, drawFrame2, drawFrame3, drawFrame4}; // how many frames are there? int frameCount = 4; // Overlays are statically drawn on top of a frame eg. a clock OverlayCallback overlays[] = { msOverlay }; int overlaysCount = 1; void ec11Init(void){ pinMode(encoderPinA, INPUT); pinMode(encoderPinB, INPUT); pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT); digitalWrite(encoderPinA, HIGH); //turn pullup resistor on digitalWrite(encoderPinB, HIGH); //turn pullup resistor on attachInterrupt(D0, updateEncoder, CHANGE); attachInterrupt(D1, updateEncoder, CHANGE); } void displayInit(void){ ui.setTargetFPS(60); ui.setActiveSymbol(activeSymbol); ui.setInactiveSymbol(inactiveSymbol); ui.setIndicatorPosition(BOTTOM); ui.setIndicatorDirection(LEFT_RIGHT); ui.setFrameAnimation(SLIDE_LEFT); ui.setFrames(frames, frameCount); ui.setOverlays(overlays, overlaysCount); ui.disableAutoTransition(); ui.switchToFrame(frameIndex); ui.init(); display.flipScreenVertically(); } void motorInit(void){ mymotor.attach(D3); mymotor.write(speedValue); } void updateUi(void){ if(timeCounter>50){ display.displayOff(); uiEnable = false; }else{ display.displayOn(); uiEnable = true; timeCounter++; } if(commondModel == MODEL_RIGHT){ frameIndex++; if(frameIndex > 3) frameIndex = 0; ui.switchToFrame(frameIndex); }else if(commondModel == MODEL_LEFT){ frameIndex--; if(frameIndex < 0) frameIndex = 3; ui.switchToFrame(frameIndex); } commondModel = MODEL_NULL; } void updateMotor(void){ if(motorState == MOTOR_AUTO){ if(dir == true){ angleValue += speedValue; }else{ angleValue -= speedValue; } } if(angleValue > 180) dir = false; else if(angleValue < 0) dir = true; mymotor.write(angleValue); } void doButton(void){ if(isButtonPushDown()){ if(uiEnable == false){ commondModel = MODEL_NULL; }else{ commondModel = MODEL_BUTTON; } timeCounter = 0; } if(readEncoderValue()!=0){ long value = readEncoderValue(); if(uiEnable == true){ if(value > 0){ commondModel = MODEL_RIGHT; }else{ commondModel = MODEL_LEFT; } } timeCounter = 0; encoderValue = 0; } if(frameIndex == 2){ if(commondModel == MODEL_BUTTON){ if(setFrameValue == SET_FRAME_2_ON){ setFrameValue = SET_FRAME_2_OFF; }else{ setFrameValue = SET_FRAME_2_ON; } commondModel = MODEL_NULL; } if(setFrameValue == SET_FRAME_2_ON){ if(commondModel == MODEL_RIGHT){ speedValue++; }else if((commondModel == MODEL_LEFT)){ speedValue--; } if(speedValue > 20) speedValue = 20; if(speedValue < 0) speedValue = 0; commondModel = MODEL_NULL; } } if(frameIndex == 3){ if(commondModel == MODEL_BUTTON){ if(setFrameValue == SET_FRAME_3_ON){ setFrameValue = SET_FRAME_3_OFF; }else{ setFrameValue = SET_FRAME_3_ON; } commondModel = MODEL_NULL; } if(setFrameValue == SET_FRAME_3_ON){ if((commondModel == MODEL_RIGHT) || (commondModel == MODEL_LEFT)){ motorState = (motorState==MOTOR_AUTO)?MOTOR_STATIC:MOTOR_AUTO; } commondModel = MODEL_NULL; } } } void setup() { ec11Init(); displayInit(); motorInit(); bme.begin(); timer.setInterval(200,updateUi); timer.setInterval(50,updateMotor); } void loop(){ int remainingTimeBudget = ui.update(); if (remainingTimeBudget > 0) { delay(remainingTimeBudget); } doButton();; } void updateEncoder(){ int MSB = digitalRead(encoderPinA); //MSB = most significant bit int LSB = digitalRead(encoderPinB); //LSB = least significant bit int encoded = (MSB << 1) |LSB; //converting the 2 pin value to single number int sum = (lastEncoded << 2) | encoded; //adding it to the previous encoded value if(sum == 0b1101 || sum == 0b0100 || sum == 0b0010 || sum == 0b1011) encoderValue ++; if(sum == 0b1110 || sum == 0b0111 || sum == 0b0001 || sum == 0b1000) encoderValue --; if(uiEnable == false) encoderValue = 0; lastEncoded = encoded; //store this value for next time }

LOL~ well done!