Make a Nano Aquarium

by technocraftStudio in Living > Pets

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Make a Nano Aquarium


Hello everyone!

An aquarium is such a peaceful creative box which you can place anywhere in your home or office. Whenever you feel tired, boring or stressed just sit by the aquarium and watch the fishes, It will instantly make you calm within a few moment.

An aquarium can be decorated in a endless way you can possibly imagine. It can be made according to the mood, environment, theme, water condition, plants, non-plant, fish category and many more. So, its your choice now how you want your fish tank to be decorated and why.

Hence, its my personal choice that everyone should have an aquarium in their home. Its such a pleasing task to keep and serve such pets but, more of a hobby. If you want to read more about aquariums, then please visit the wiki page.

So, in this instructable i will show, how you can make a small size Fish tank or a Nano size Aquarium at home very easily. Due to its small size you can put it to anywhere within a small space, like on table, office, on window corner, etc.

What We Need


To build a simple aquarium we need a few tools and some materials that will be used in the making process. So, first we will gather what we need and then we will prepare them for the making.

For our tank, we'll need glass sizes of:

2x [6"x12"] for Front and Back

2x [ 4"x6" ] for Left and Right

1x [4"x12"] for Bottom

Tools & Materials:

1. Glass ( 3mm )

2. Sand paper ( optinal )

3. Glue gun

4. Silicon glue

5. Paper Tape ( optional )

6. Angle ( for checking 90 degree - optional )

7. Glass cutter ( optional )

8. Piece of dry cloth



So, before we start our making process we first need to prepare few things. Here in this project i used 3mm glasses for the making. First you need to cut the glasses according to the height and width of your aquarium you want to build, using your Glass cutter or no need if you tell you glass store owner to cut them, that's why i keep it optional.

Next, if Polishing is available in the store its better, otherwise you have to polish the glasses on your own. Because when we cut the glasses, the edges are very sharp and it can easily cut your finger, so we need to polish the edges by using Sandpapers.

After that clean your glasses using water and let them to dry. After drying polish the glasses using any glass cleaner for the better clearance. So, our glasses are ready to be glue now.

Note: Don't forget to wear a mask during the polishing process, because the small dust particle of glasses are harmful for you.

The Making


As we mentioned earlier, we have our 5 pieces of glasses cut and ready as the according dimensions of 2x [6"x12"] for Front and Back, 2x [ 4"x6" ] for Left and Right and 1x [4"x12"] for Bottom.

So, for the making we need a clean and flat surface, where we can place our glasses and start gluing them. Hence i am using my table and i have prepare my Glue gun with Silicon mounted on it.

First, glue the bottom part of the Back glass piece and join it with the Bottom glass piece. We will use a support to held our glass piece in place and in 90 degree. Next, we will glue our Front glass piece and stick to the bottom piece.

Like these, now glue every corner of our Left and Right glass pieces and will stick with our fish tank. Now you can use some paper tape to stick all corner temporarily.

Glue and Finish


Now as we have fixed all our glass pieces, some more amount of silicon should be glued to the inner side of the aquarium. So that no leakage may occur from the inside and every corner gets adjusted. Add some extra silicon to the inner corners and swallow it by hand.

Also, clean out the extra silicon that can get stick to the glass using any sharp tool, like a blade or a knife and clean the glass.

So, after finishing keep our aquarium to dry the Silicon. It may take up to 48 hours to completely dry the glue.



So, after 48 hours or after 2 days, our glue is dried now. Now we will check that our tank is ready or there may be a leakage in it.

For testing we will keep our tank on a piece of cloth and will add some water in it ( nearly half or 3/4th the tank ) and will keep it as it is for another 24 hour.

So, after 24 hour if you found no leakage or observe the cloth is dry ( no wet ) that means you have successfully built an aquarium and it is ready to be used.

Now, open your mind and show your creativity by designing and decorating your aquarium and add some beautiful fishes in it.

The Result


So, our beautiful Nano aquarium is now completed. Hope you've liked this instructable.

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