Make a Marker Rack - Desktop Furniture

by lomo85 in Workshop > CNC

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Make a Marker Rack - Desktop Furniture

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Make a Marker Rack - Filzstifthalter aus Sperrholz CNC gefräst für TOUCHLIIT / COPIC Marker
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Welcome to this instructable. It is about how to make a marker rack to arrange your markers on your desk.

To get an overview on this project, watch the Video.

This is my first project where I use the CAM from Fusion 360. Maybe this project can also be for you to get started with CAD and CAM. I will give you some hints, what to mind during the construction. With some screenshots, you will get an idea how the CAD, CAM part work.

The second half is about finishing and assembling the rack. But more for illustrate the results than for further instructions.

My example and the files I share with this instructable is for TOUCHLIIT markers, but it works with some adjustments for every marker brand.

Get the Dimension From Your Markers

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The photos above show the two parts we will design.

There is one important point for the function of the rack:

  • One board has out cuts where only the tip of the marker fits through. This board is the down stop for the marker.
  • The second board has a bigger out cut. The size matches with the thickness of the marker at the height where this board holds the marker.

Measure the thickness of you marker at the corresponding point, and note it into a sketch like mine.

Draw a CAD Model (or Adjust Mine)

parameter mit brett.JPG
zkizze ausschnitte.JPG
muster anordnung.JPG

Now we draw our rack in the CAD Software. I use Fusion 360.

The first action is to add all the dimensions I know into the parameter list:

  • the dimensions of the marker
  • the spacing between the markers
  • the gap I add to every out cut to have a bit of play

With this values, I can calculate some variables which I will use later

  • pitch in x- and y-direction of the out cuts in the board

Fusion 360 CAD:

The first Step in modeling is, to generate an extrusion similar to the raw material you will use later.

Second I made a sketch for the out cut in the top-left corner. The dimensions are all parametric, so, that when I adjust one parameter the sketch will be adjusted.

After removing the first out cut and adding a radius to the corners, I can use the pattern function. For the spacing dimension of the pattern, I use the parameters which, I have calculated earlier.

The last step is to draw the outline of the board. I choose a concave shape.

The same way I also made the other board, only with the other values.

Generate the CNC G-Code With Fusion 360 CAM


With Fusion 360 it is easy to generate the G-Code for the CNC router.

(There are also other more basic CAM-Software where you can convert DXF Files into G-Code but in this project, I used Fusion 360)

For each part, you have to create a setup, where you define, how the part is oriented in your machine and which dimensions the stock material has.

Then you choose for every operation a tool. For this tool, you can adjust the cutting parameters.

The Programm has to know which geometry we like to cut. So we select the contour. The same with the plane where we like to start cutting.

At the end, we can visualize and simulate the tool path, and export it to a G-code-file.

Cutout the Parts With the CNC Router

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For cutting the two boards I use my Stepcraft CNC router. Laser cutting would be a much faster way to cut out these parts. but then you have brown cut surfaces. 3D-Printing is also feasible.

I published a blog post where I explain how you can use an Arduino with GRBL to control the Stepcraft.

On the computer, I use the Universal G-Code Sender to stream the G-Code file to the Arduino.

Like this, I cut the boards.

The stock material I stick with double sided tape down.

Sand the Parts to a Smooth Finish

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There is nothing to say about sanding.

Just sand, until it is smooth.

Assemble the Rack With Screws and Nuts

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Time to assemble the rack for my markers.

I used M5 bolts and nuts

  • 4x Allen screw M5 x 25mm
  • 8x hexagonal nut M5
  • 4x cap nut M5

I begin with the upper board and insert one screw in the hole from each corner. With the hexagonal nuts, I fix this screws to the board.

With the second nut on each screw, I adjust the distance between the boards.

The lower board I clamp with the cap nuts to the end of the screws.

Arrange Your Markers According Their Color

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The main reason why I made this marker rack is, that I can order my markers by their colors.

Often the color on the paper doesn't match exactly the color on the marker tip.

When I have the markers in the rack, I can test the color on each paper type and know how the color will look.

Thanks for joining me on this project. If you have some thoughts about it, write them down into the description.