Make a Lego Segway

by jpguitardude in Living > LEGO & K'NEX

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Make a Lego Segway

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This is an instructable how to make a simple segway out of Lego bricks. As I said, this is very simple and will probably take less than a minute. This is my first instructable, so please take it easy one me. Constructive criticism is wanted.

Finding and Getting the Pieces Together.

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These are the pieces that are required for the making of this segway. It doesn't matter what color any of these are. I have to sets of wheels, but you will only need one. THEY MUST HAVE A FOUR STUD BASE.

Add the Neck

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Add the thick two-studded piece onto the wheels.

Add the Handle Connector.

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This is the flat piece with one hollow stud in the middle. Put it on top of the neck. On mine, it is the black piece.

Almost Done!!!

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This is the part where you add the handle. Connect the handle to the center stud on top of the neck.

Add the Lego Man

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this step is optional. Put the lego man's legs on the are where it is lowest on the wheels. Connect his hands to the handles. Now you are finished.