Make a Bench Cushion in Under an Hour!

by justmightdiy in Workshop > Furniture

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Make a Bench Cushion in Under an Hour!

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I’ve had a beautiful West Elm storage bench ever since I moved to the city over 10 years ago. It’s followed me through two apartments and two houses, taking a different role in each space. For the last few years, it’s been nestled in front of a window in the master, and it has been crying out for a proper bench cushion. After ordering some batting online and realizing that we had all the other materials we needed around the house, we tackled the project.

The process was SUPER easy and only required a few materials. Best of all, it took less than an hour to complete! See how we did it in the video above, or via the steps below.


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Wood sheet (we used scrap wood, but plywood will work)

Dense foam:


Upholstery fabric:

Staple gun w/ staples:

Spray adhesive:


Fabric scissors:

Circular Saw –

Measuring Tape –

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Watch the Video!

Easy DIY: Make a Bench Cushion in Under an Hour

This project is SO straightforward. We put together a quick, 5 minute video to show you the steps, so if you'd like to see any of the steps (particularly how we do the corners on the fabric), check it out! Detailed steps and photos follow, of course. ;)

Create Wood Platform

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1. Measure the bench.

2. Subtract 1/4” - 1/2” from the length and width to allow space for batting and fabric.

3. Cut wood to size using a saw.

Adhere Foam

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1. Cut foam to the same size as the wood platform.

2. Spray some spray adhesive on the wood.

3. Place foam on board.

Note: Try to get as close to the right position as possible, as the foam may be difficult to move, depending on your adhesive.

4. Press on foam across entire length to ensure strong adhesion.

Wrap and Secure Batting

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1. Cut a piece of batting large enough to cover the entire bench (front, sides and back).

Note: Allow approximately 2” extra for stapling on the back.

2. Lay batting on a flat, clean surface.

3. Place your foam/wood combination foam side down on top of the batting.

4. Start on one side and staple batting to the wood board.

5. Staple every few inches, ensuring that you have even tension across the entire bench to lessen lumps and wrinkles.

6. Fold the fabric neatly in the corners. This doesn't have to be precise, though.

7. Smooth out any issues before proceeding.

Wrap and Secure Fabric

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1. Cut a piece of fabric large enough to cover the entire bench (front, sides and back).

2. Allow approximately 2” extra for stapling on the back.

3. Lay fabric face down ("wrong side" up for the sewing enthusiasts) on a flat, clean surface.

4. Place your batting-covered creation foam side down on top of the fabric.

5. Start on one side and staple fabric to the wood board.

6. Note: I like to fold my fabric over and staple through that to ensure it doesn’t tear.

7. Staple every few inches, ensuring that you have even tension across the entire bench to lessen lumps and wrinkles.

8. For corners: fold fabric so that the outside edges are nice and clean, and cut away any excess before stapling. You can see how we did ours at 3:35.

9. Smooth out any issues before proceeding.

10. Place cushion on bench.


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Now it's time to enjoy your new creation! Wasn’t that easy? Go sit on your comfy new bench or stare at it and admire your work. 😉

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