Make Your Own Stickers
Do you ever have something you want to decorate with stickers, but the stickers you find in stores are either really lame or used by everyone? If so, then this Instructable is for you. You can design your own stickers and have them ready for sticking in minutes. In addition to that, all of the supplies you need for creating up to thousands of stickers costs less than $15. So follow this simple Instructable and you will be a sticker making pro in no time.
Design Your Sticker
Your first step is to come up with an idea. Once you have a cool idea for a sticker, take a pen or marker (or anything else for that matter) and draw your design on the label paper. This is the hardest step.
Cut 'er Out! (Round 1)
Now that you have your sticker design on paper, its time to cut it out. For this part, just cut out the picture in a square. You should not cut any curved lines because it will be really be annoying for the next step. Obviously if the picture takes up the entire page, you do not need to cut anything out.
Laminate It!
In this step you will laminate your sticker to give it a glossy finish and make it waterproof. This step is extremely important because it will change your drawing from a weird label into a sticker. The way you do this is you take your sticker and put it on a flat surface and carefully put a piece of clear packing tape over it. If on your first time you get creases in it, dont get discouraged- It takes practice to get thetape on just right.
Cut 'er Out! (Round 2)
Now you are ready to cut out your sticker into its final shape. If you want to, obviously you can leave it a square. It usually looks nicer, however if you decide to cut it out as shown.
Stick 'Em
Now is the fun part. Stick your stickers wherever you want! Here I have some of my better ones Stuck on my sketch book. You can put them up in public places (check legality). A lot of graffiti artists make stickers and put them up too. Make Stickers for special occasions. Give them to your friends. And most of all: ENJOY!