Make Your Own CD Wall Clock
Hey Guys this is my first instructable build, but if u have any questions comment below n ill try to answer as best i can
Items Needed:
1 Craft Clock Mechanism or Old wall clock (i took mine from my mom)
17 Old CDs (i used some that was scratched) Used in layers of 5, then 4, then 8
Craft sticks (not shown)
Hot Glue Gun and glue sticks
1 Craft Clock Mechanism or Old wall clock (i took mine from my mom)
17 Old CDs (i used some that was scratched) Used in layers of 5, then 4, then 8
Craft sticks (not shown)
Hot Glue Gun and glue sticks
Assemble Layer 1
Place a CD that will act as the middle of your clock around four other CDs. Add some popsicle sticks to hold the CDsin place
Assemble Layer 2
Glue a CD on each of the corners between two sticks
Assemble Layer 3
now glue two CDs (2 per side) on each of the four corners like so
Attach the Clock Mechanism to Layer 3
Assemble your clock mechanism into your clock. While all clock kits go together essentially the same way, see your packaging for specific instructions.
Congratulations! You now have a working CD clock that you can show off or that can add a special touch to your room
Thanks for checking out this instrucatable!
Thanks for checking out this instrucatable!