Making Energy by Wind

by Tech Works in Workshop > Energy

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Making Energy by Wind


This project is about Making of Energy on home with some motors.

What is Wind Energy?
Wind energy is energy from moving air, caused by temperature (and therefore pressure) differences in the atmosphere. Irradiance from the sun heats up the air, forcing the air to rise. Conversely, where temperatures fall, a low pressure zone develops. Winds (i.e. air flows) balance out the differences. Hence, wind energy is solar energy converted into kinetic energy of moving air.

Wind Energy Converters (WECs) - wind turbines - capture the air flow by converting it into a rotational movement, which subsequently drives a conventional generator for electricity

How Much Power Is in Wind Energy?


When air mass is flowing through an area A with speed v, the power of that air movement at time t is given by:

Pic: 1 or


where ρ is the density of air, which is around 1.22kg/m³. The energy (kWh) is the product of power and time

Pic: 2 or


How Turbine Motor Works


Wind turbines operate on a simple principle. These pictures shows how energy in the wind turns two or three propeller-like blades around a rotor. The rotor is connected to the main shaft, which spins a generator to create electricity. Wind turbines are mounted on a tower to capture the most energy. At 100 feet (30 meters) or more above ground, they can take advantage of faster and less turbulent wind. Wind turbines can be used to produce electricity for a single home or building, or they can be connected to an electricity grid (shown here) for more widespread electricity distribution.

Items Required

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In this project we need some costly product:-

1. 8 motors(Simple toy motors)

2. 1 LM7805 IC

3. Some wires

4. A stand for 8 motors.

5.Female USB Hub

Let's start.....



A motor can generate energy when you put a blade on it and put both thing in front of wind blow.

There are three cases:-

1. when we connect +ve terminal of battery to +ve terminal of motor and -ve terminal of motor to -ve terminal of battery then motor is in working process. And blade moves in clock wise direction.

2. when we connect +ve terminal of battery to +ve terminal of motor and -ve terminal of motor to -ve terminal of battery then also motor is in working process. And in this case blade moves in anti-clock wise direction.

3. When we put the motor in front of wind blow with a blade then -ve terminal of moter give +ve value and +ve terminal give -ve value. And in this case blade moves in anti-clock wise direction.

Making Procedure and Small Demo!

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Sorry Guys i'm giving small demo because of lack of motors and blade. I tried so hard but in the end i found 3 motors only because in my area no one keeps this type of motors.

Now, As you see in picture 1st picture it gives me 937 millivolt if we connect 8 numbers of motor in series then it will five 937*8=7496 milivolt i.e., 7.5 Volt (approx). By adding a LM7805 IC a constant voltage will be provided that is 5 volt. then you can use it any was charge your mobile, battery, Glow your LED Etc.....

Thanks for reading so much.

Make it and enjoy. And one thing if you made it then send me a demo Please........