Magic 8 Box

by steichea in Circuits > LEDs

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Magic 8 Box

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Magic 8 Box Demo

This is a Magic 8 Box, similar to a Magic 8 Ball, made from 3D printed parts, laser-cut acrylic and wood, and has an Adafruit Playground that is running CircuitPython controlling it.


You will need:

  • Adafruit Circuit Playground
  • NeoPixel Light Strip
  • 3D Printed Parts
  • Laser-cut acrylic for the faces of the cube
  • Laser-cut wooden box to hold hardware
  • Battery pack
  • Spaker
  • Wires

Print Your Parts!

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The first thing that I did was organize and print all the STL files that are needed for this project. I printed the external shape of the box on a PURSA Mini+. For the box structure I used black PLA filament. The links to download the structure of the box are below. Then I laser cut 1/8" clear acrylic to use as the faces of the cube.

Assemble the Cube

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I began by placing a couple dots of glue on the corners of the frame to create ensure all parts of the frame would stay together. Next, I stripped the NeoPixel strip from the plastic coding that was surrounding the lights. I proceeded to glue in the strip to the frame of the box. I then glued on the faces of the box using the clear acrylic squares. The dimensions of the acrylic squares are 89mm by 89mm.

Design the Circuit

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Next you are going to want to design your circuit and connect all the components. I connected the NeoPixel light strip to the board. It has three wires on the end of it: red, black, and white. The red goes to VOUT, black goes to GND, and white is the signal which I put at A1. Next, I ground the speaker and connected it to the AUDIO output on the board. The speaker I am using has a battery of it's own so I did not need to provide it with a power source. After all these are connected, we have finished out circuit.

Write Your Code

I have attached the code that I wrote for the Magic 8 Box to function properly. You will want to make sure that you have put the sounds below into a folder named "magic_box" and put these on your CPB for the code to run correctly.

Putting Your Magic 8 Box Together!

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Now it is time to put the Magic 8 Box together. First, I laser cut a box from 1/8" birch wood so that my components (the CPB, speaker, and battery pack) would have a place to sit. Second, I assembled the wooden box using glue and proceeded to glue that to the Magic 8 Box. Next, I drilled four holes in the wooden box and threaded yarn through the holes to create a hinge for the box so that I would be able to open and close it to get the hardware components out. Lastly, I wired up the components to the CPB and tied the wooden box shut. Now you are ready to ask your Magic 8 Box a question, give it a shake, and listen/ watch for the response!