Made in 20 Minutes - Tanghulu Dessert Recipe, Sugar, Water and Fresh Fruits

by dylanhorwath253 in Cooking > Dessert

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Made in 20 Minutes - Tanghulu Dessert Recipe, Sugar, Water and Fresh Fruits


One of my favorite recipes for a quick dessert, Tanghulu, also known as candied hawthorn or Chinese sugar-coated fruit skewers, is a popular street snack in China. These delightful treats consist of skewered fruits, usually hawthorn berries, dipped in a sugar syrup and left to harden into a crunchy shell. In this recipe, we'll show you how to make Tanghulu at home, using a variety of different fruits and flavorings.


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  • 1 cup of water
  • 2 cups of white granulated sugar
  • Choice of Fruit (Strawberries, Grapes, Oranges...)
  • Foiled Plate
  • Cooking Spray

Cook Preperation


Before mixing the ingredients make sure to prep the plate by wrapping it in foil and spraying the foil with cooking spray. Then wipe the foiled plate with a paper towel to reduce the amount of oil but keeping the non-stick layer.

Then depending on which fruits you decide to use make sure to dabbed them with a paper towel to dry, then poke them threw with a wooden skewer, making sure they secure and ready to be dipped.

Common fruits used are strawberries and tangerines. With strawberries remove the green stems but keep the tougher bud end on for secured skewering. With tangerines, peel of all skin and segment.

Mixing the Ingredients

Take 2 cup of white granulated sugar and 1 cup of water and put them in a small sized pot. Stir until water is a milky white. (Do not need to fully dissolve)


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Bring the water and sugar to a boil, then let it boil for 14 minutes. The syrup color should look similar to the one posted.

Fruit Dipping

With the fruits skewered and the syrup fluid and ready, take the skewers and dip them in and twirl to apply syrup to all sides of the fruit. Once dipped place them the foiled plate, horizontally.

Ready to Eat


Once they've sat for a few minutes check to see if the syrup has hardened (putting them in the refrigerator speeds this up). If so, then they are ready to eat! Enjoy