Kids Simple Gripper
I have many students ask me how to build a robot gripper. It's a tough project to do. So i designed this Universal Material Gripper Template {UMGT). It works with any flat material.
Feel free to hack it!
It would be cool to see how many different materials we could use.
Materials - Tools
Depending on what material you choose, the tools will vary as well
- Paper - scissors
- Cardboard - scissors or knife
- Foamboard - knife or hot wire
- Corrugated board - knife
- Coraplast - knife
- Acrylic Plastic - laser cut
- Wood - scroll or band saw or laser cutter
- Metal - laser cutter
age 5 -55
Download the Template
Step 1 Download the PDF and print it out.
It's an A4 size
Attach the Template to Your Material
The easiest way is to to attach is is tape the corners.
Mark the Hole Loactions
Use a pointed object to Center Punch the holes.
Drill the Holes in All Parts.
Drilling the holes will vary depending on the material you use.
Foam, coroplast, cardboard, corrugated cardboard
These can punched with a sharp object like a wood skewer.
Thicker or harder materials need to to be drilled.
wood and plastic.
Cut Out All the Parts
Clean and Assemble
Make sure all the edges and holes are nice.,sand or trim with a knife if necessary
Assembly can be done with a number of fastening techniques.
- Bolts and Nuts
Drill out the holes nicely, just a little bigger than your bolt diameter.
- Wood Toothpicks
At every pivot point there need to be a stop Nut of some kind.
- String and hole punch.
Test and Share
Test it slowly, make sure all the joints move smoothly and are not too tight or too loose.