This Money Sailboat ($ Sailboat) is a variation of a traditional sailboat. It is not hard to make but it does involve a Reverse Fold – a move that is not too hard, but can be tricky if you have never done it before.
The boat can be made flat so you can attach it to a greeting card, or you can stand it upright because it comes with its own stand.
Tutorial video

Start with a crisp dollar bill with the black-side facing up.Fold in half (bottom to top) lengthwise.

Fold and unfold the dollar bill in half crosswise.

Fold up the left-side and right-side of the dollar bill so the bottom-edges meet at the center crease made above.

Perform a Reverse Fold. First, pull open the top layer of the paper.
Next, fold the right side of the dollar bill towards the left.
Use the existing creases as a guide. Some of the creases will need to switch from mountain fold to valley folds.
When the creases are in place, squash down flat.

Repeat the Reverse Fold on the left side.

Like turning the pages of a book, turn the top-right layer to the left.At the back of the model, turn one layer of paper from left to right.

Fold down the top-left side of the model.

Repeat on the right side: fold down the top-right side of the model.
Turn the model around and work on the back side.

Fold down the top-right side of the model. This time, make the crease extend to the top-center (green arrow) of the dollar bill.

Repeat on the right side: fold down the top-right side of the model. This side of the model will be “taller” than the back side.

Like turning the pages of a book, flip one layer of paper towards the right; and on the back side, flip one layer towards the left.

Look at the front and back of the $ sailboat, which side do you prefer? Fold back (mountain fold) the bottom of the boat so you get a flat bottom. Connect the green dots behind the model.