Take a look up and down the streets in your neighborhood on “Recycle” garbage pickup day. Specifically at all the cardboard boxes being thrown out. (See pictures in next step).
A solution, although minute, is to make cardboard toys, animated projects or a combination of.
In this Instructable, I will design and create an animated box (cardboard) bank which when the handle is cranked, grabs and swallows a coin.
The bank box 📦 is not only gratifying to make but also enjoyable to watch a child save money.
A solution, although minute, is to make cardboard toys, animated projects or a combination of.
In this Instructable, I will design and create an animated box (cardboard) bank which when the handle is cranked, grabs and swallows a coin.
The bank box 📦 is not only gratifying to make but also enjoyable to watch a child save money.
1- or more cardboard boxes.
(I used an Amazon and Chewy box)
1- Rule and pencils
1- Exacto knife and sharp blades
1- Square
1- Hot glue gun and glue sticks
1- Set of drawings/sketches ✍️
With parts labeled as referenced.
1- Crayons or others coloring items
1- Masking tape
1- Chop Sticks
1- White paper
1- or more cardboard boxes.
(I used an Amazon and Chewy box)
1- Rule and pencils
1- Exacto knife and sharp blades
1- Square
1- Hot glue gun and glue sticks
1- Set of drawings/sketches ✍️
With parts labeled as referenced.
1- Crayons or others coloring items
1- Masking tape
1- Chop Sticks
1- White paper

1. Review and collect the boxes to be
used for this Instructable.
1a. Draw the parts onto the cardboard.
✍️ Label the parts according to
2. Cut the cardboard box/es to give
maximum layout space for the pieces.
3. Draw onto the cardboard, that was cut
from your boxes, the parts needed
for the Bank Box. Use plans.
4. Cut out and label all the pieces as per
the plans.
used for this Instructable.
1a. Draw the parts onto the cardboard.
✍️ Label the parts according to
2. Cut the cardboard box/es to give
maximum layout space for the pieces.
3. Draw onto the cardboard, that was cut
from your boxes, the parts needed
for the Bank Box. Use plans.
4. Cut out and label all the pieces as per
the plans.

1. Layout all parts and ready them for
2. Take part “A” and spread hot glue on
bottom edge (14cm end). Attach part
“B” as per drawing. Attach second
part “A” (14cm end) to opposite side
of “B”. Step 1.
3. Take part “C” and score a line with
the exacto knife and fold as marked
on drawing. This will provide
a 15cm x 7cm and a 15cm x 14.5cm
area. Step 2.
4. Glue part “C” onto U shape end as
shown in step 3. DO NOT GLUE TOP.
Leave flap loose.
5. Take two part “D”. Glue them
together. Make a hole using an awl
at mark shown in drawing. Glue this
set of “D”s to the inside of “A” as
shown in drawing. Continue this hole
so that it will go all the way through
two “D”s and one “A”. Step 4.
6. Glue two pieces of part “E”. Use awl
to make a hole through both pieces.
A second hole towards the top (The
first will be for the axle the second
hole is for the handle). Step 5.
7. Take the chopstick and slice off a
4cm piece and glue it into the hole
closest to to edge of part “E”. Slice
off a 5.5cm piece and glue it into the
center holes of part “E”.
Once the glue has dried, push the
longer chopstick through the side of
the box and 2 spacers. ( A and D ).
The stick (axle) will protrude past the
spacers. Step 6.
8. Take the two parts “F”, 7cm diameter
round discs and glue them together.
Make a hole in the center thru both
discs and slide onto the end of the
axle inside the box 📦. Glue the axle
to the center hole of the discs. Cut
a 4 cm piece of chopstick and glue
into a hole close to the outer
circumference of the discs. (About
1cm). Step 7.
9. Glue the three pieces of grabber. Put
a hole at the bottom center and thru
all three. Place the grabber onto the
chopstick which is glued at the edge
of part “F”. DO NOT GET ANY GLUE
Make sure the grabber Part “G”
rotates freely and loosely on the
chopstick. Step 8.0
10. Place part “H” (10cm x 10cm) to the
left of the grabber, Part “G”. Glue in
place. Let dry. This piece will hold
the grabber onto the chopsticks
and prevent the grabber from falling
off. Step 9.
11. Place and glue Part “I” onto “H” as a
stop for the forward motion of the
grabber, Part “G”. Step 10.
12. Place and glue Part “J” on the top of
the box.
At this point rotate the handle and
observe the grabber push up the
loose lid and return to its hidden
position. Step 11.
13. Paint a face (as you wish) on
Part “K”. Attach/glue a tab onto the
back of “K” then glue it onto the
back of the top flap. See pictures.
Step 12.
14. For the front edge of the grabber
cut a small piece of cardboard
shaped with fingers. Part “M”.
Glue onto the front edge of Part
This helps to grab the coin. Step 13.
15. Check for a working grabber by
rotating the handle. Adjust taper of
grabber if needed. Step 14.
16. Close off the box by glueing the
front Part “L” onto the box. Step 15.
17. This completes the assembly of the
Bank. When bank is full. Cut a hole
on the bottom to remove coins. You
can then reseal the bottom and start
all over again.
2. Take part “A” and spread hot glue on
bottom edge (14cm end). Attach part
“B” as per drawing. Attach second
part “A” (14cm end) to opposite side
of “B”. Step 1.
3. Take part “C” and score a line with
the exacto knife and fold as marked
on drawing. This will provide
a 15cm x 7cm and a 15cm x 14.5cm
area. Step 2.
4. Glue part “C” onto U shape end as
shown in step 3. DO NOT GLUE TOP.
Leave flap loose.
5. Take two part “D”. Glue them
together. Make a hole using an awl
at mark shown in drawing. Glue this
set of “D”s to the inside of “A” as
shown in drawing. Continue this hole
so that it will go all the way through
two “D”s and one “A”. Step 4.
6. Glue two pieces of part “E”. Use awl
to make a hole through both pieces.
A second hole towards the top (The
first will be for the axle the second
hole is for the handle). Step 5.
7. Take the chopstick and slice off a
4cm piece and glue it into the hole
closest to to edge of part “E”. Slice
off a 5.5cm piece and glue it into the
center holes of part “E”.
Once the glue has dried, push the
longer chopstick through the side of
the box and 2 spacers. ( A and D ).
The stick (axle) will protrude past the
spacers. Step 6.
8. Take the two parts “F”, 7cm diameter
round discs and glue them together.
Make a hole in the center thru both
discs and slide onto the end of the
axle inside the box 📦. Glue the axle
to the center hole of the discs. Cut
a 4 cm piece of chopstick and glue
into a hole close to the outer
circumference of the discs. (About
1cm). Step 7.
9. Glue the three pieces of grabber. Put
a hole at the bottom center and thru
all three. Place the grabber onto the
chopstick which is glued at the edge
of part “F”. DO NOT GET ANY GLUE
Make sure the grabber Part “G”
rotates freely and loosely on the
chopstick. Step 8.0
10. Place part “H” (10cm x 10cm) to the
left of the grabber, Part “G”. Glue in
place. Let dry. This piece will hold
the grabber onto the chopsticks
and prevent the grabber from falling
off. Step 9.
11. Place and glue Part “I” onto “H” as a
stop for the forward motion of the
grabber, Part “G”. Step 10.
12. Place and glue Part “J” on the top of
the box.
At this point rotate the handle and
observe the grabber push up the
loose lid and return to its hidden
position. Step 11.
13. Paint a face (as you wish) on
Part “K”. Attach/glue a tab onto the
back of “K” then glue it onto the
back of the top flap. See pictures.
Step 12.
14. For the front edge of the grabber
cut a small piece of cardboard
shaped with fingers. Part “M”.
Glue onto the front edge of Part
This helps to grab the coin. Step 13.
15. Check for a working grabber by
rotating the handle. Adjust taper of
grabber if needed. Step 14.
16. Close off the box by glueing the
front Part “L” onto the box. Step 15.
17. This completes the assembly of the
Bank. When bank is full. Cut a hole
on the bottom to remove coins. You
can then reseal the bottom and start
all over again.

Please use these pictures to aid with your assembly.

This Instructable is not only about saving money. It is also to make you aware of the amount of cardboard that is collected weekly by the general public. See the amount on one block in a neighborhood.
(See photos attached). Could one of these be yours????
This is just a fun way to recycle cardboard. This project can be made in multiples (for almost free), as Holiday or Birthday presents.
There are many other books to guide you through designing and building cardboard toys and games.
Enjoy the challenge!
(See photos attached). Could one of these be yours????
This is just a fun way to recycle cardboard. This project can be made in multiples (for almost free), as Holiday or Birthday presents.
There are many other books to guide you through designing and building cardboard toys and games.
Enjoy the challenge!
Working cardboard model of the
I will be making a wood model of this Instructable.
I will be making a wood model of this Instructable.