It is a line following robot designed to control its movement at specific junctions.
This robot was made to participate in NERC 2023, which had two distinct tracks, so I created two distinct codes. Delays in the code are used to fill in gaps between the black lines on the track.
TT Gear Motors x 2
L298N Motor Driver x 1
Arduino UNO x 1
IR sensors x 5
Jumper wires
Acrylic car kit
Circuit Construction
Motor Driver pins:
IN-1 = 7
IN-2 = 8
IN-3 = 9
IN-4 = 10
EN-A = 6
EN-B = 5
IR Sensors:
Right most = 11
Right = 12
Middle = 2
Left = 3
Left most = 4
Wall = 13
Sensor Alignment
Align as only the middle sensor must be on the black line and the right and left sensors just beyond the black line. Right and left most sensors must be far away so if the robot deviates during a gap it may catch the black line.
These are the two tracks, one involves only left turns and one involves only right turns.
When the ir sensor for the wall detects a wall the robot takes a quarter circle turn and returns back to the black line.
Code (for track with only left turns) is attached below:
Code (for track with only right turns) is attached below: