M5Cam X M5Stack

This instructables show how to use M5Cam and M5Stack to make a wireless camera and monitor.

M5Cam & M5Stack
You can buy it at M5Stack Official store:
Lipo Battery
Lipo battery is optional if you just want power with USB cable.
M5Stack bundle with a small Lipo battery, you may buy a larger one at the store.
M5Cam not bundle with battery, I have a 802025 Lipo in hand so I use it. The 3D printed case should able to fit a 902030 Lipo.
Optional: Soldering Lipo Battery

Soldering Lipo to the pins beside Grove socket, 2 pins is very close, beware don't short 2 pins together.
Optional: 3D Print M5Cam Case


Source code for M5Cam:
This is a esp-idf project, you require esp-idf to build it.
After you familiar esp-idf, simply 2 steps to program M5Cam:
- make menuconfig
- make flash
Source code for M5Stack viewer:
This is a M5Stack Arduino project, simply upload it with Arduino.
Happy Monitoring!

Its time to show off what you have done with your friends!