M26 Pershing Rc Tank

Hello, In the this project, I will paint M26 Pershing’s rc tank 1/16 scale from Heng Long. This M26 Pershing is decorated style in the Korean war. It looks like tiger, the paint is half yellow and olive green (Tamiya TS- 28). This time it will be simple to hand paint tiger face and claw. It fun and looks realistic to the scale model. The step is simple and basic and easy to do. The result looks great. Let’s begin.
Supplies that you need to do M26 Pershing’s project.
1. Heng Long M26 Pershing rc tank (or other models)
2. Arcylic paints, (matt black, white, red, yellow), paint tray, water spray, and paint brushes different sizes.
3. Spray paints surface primer (matt white, yellow), (If you want to be correct in color, need to buy Tamiya’s spray color TS-28 Olive drabs).
4. Masking tape, baby oil, and paper tower.
ฺBasic Paint Cover.

First, I use alcohol to clean of the grease and dust. Then I disassembly the M26 Pershing rc tank by unscrew at the bottom of the tank, it should be about 6 screws. I took the track off and the body with wheels (bottom part), then disconnected the wires ports. Next I remove the wheels. Then I start to paint the track matt black. Next is to masking tape the road wheel and use TS-28 spray paint, and also painted accessories that come with the tank such as metal boxes, gas tank at least twice make sure all the paint cover all area. Next is spray paint (Tamiya)TS-28 on the lower hull. Let it really dry.
Detail Painting.

Then prepare the M26 Pershing for paint, I spray matt white paint on the turret, upper hull, road wheel hub cap, and drive sprocket. After it dry, I spray yellow paint and let it dry, now I masking tape the yellow area on the upper hull and spray TS-28. Now I have the basic paint, then I draw the outline for the claw on both side of the front fender, the mouth, and some stripes on the turret. After that I hand paint white on the claw, mouth, eyes, and the stripes on the turret. For the claw to add some dimension, I mix white with a little bit of black, to get a different shade of white. I repaint the claw, mouth, eyes, and the stripes. Next I hand paint red for the lip, eyes, the number 1 on the turret, and paint black for the outline of lip, claws, eyes, and also the black stripes. In order for the paint to show up, I need to paint at least 2- 3 times.
For the turret, I need to paint more to get the right detail, and need to spend more time. I look around the tank make sure the painting is cover all side of the tank. For the bottom part, and wheels, I paint it TS-28, yellow road wheel hub cap, and matt black with baby oil (just like the oil is leaking from the wheel bearing). Next I assemble the tank, so that I can see what I should adjust to make it look better. I attach all of the accessories that come with the tank such as the spare track, tow cable, tools, and apply the decal stickers on the side of the fender. I also paint, the wooden boxes make it looks like wood and other things paint the color as it would be. For the exhaust pipe, air intake, and radiator fan, I paint black and apply the body oil to make it shine.
Look for More Detail to Paint.

I look around the tank and paint more to make it look realistic. It looks real and it run or can be a show piece as well.