Luminous Sign

by Alejandra Huaman in Workshop > Laser Cutting

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Luminous Sign

Ensamble v2.png

Hi guys, this project I'm sure you're all going to like it. Nowadays technology has made it so easy for us to create different projects like this one digitally without the need to buy expensive materials and without leaving home, you just need your computer, a lot of attitude and the Fusion 360 program; that's why in this Instructable I will help you to make a luminous sign with the design of your choice.




Mouse peripheral

Fusion 360

Base Face

Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-27 a la(s) 14.36.49.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-27 a la(s) 17.17.00.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-27 a la(s) 17.10.10.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-27 a la(s) 18.22.16.png

We start by creating a new sketch, between the YX axes, it is important to save our progress so that as we move forward everything is saved and we don't lose anything. After having created our sketch between the corresponding axes we go to the options bar at the top and click on "Create"; we choose "Line" or we can also press the L button, to draw our sketch with the measures I am providing. And if we want to put an exact measure to the line we want to create, we will only have to write the measure we want and we will automatically have it.

Base Face (2)

Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-27 a la(s) 17.27.11.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-27 a la(s) 18.20.41.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-27 a la(s) 17.04.26.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-27 a la(s) 17.19.15.png

Then to give volume to our sketch we click on "Create"; we choose the option "Extrude" or we can also press the E button and give it 3 mm of volume.

After finishing with that, to give a texture to your plane click on "Modify"; choose "Aspect", there will appear different options I would recommend you to put in Wood and choose the one you like the most, then just drag the one you choose to the plane. To finish with the base face just click on "Finish sketch", save the file and that's it. 

Front Face

Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-27 a la(s) 17.37.43.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-27 a la(s) 17.45.40.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-27 a la(s) 19.34.00.png

The same way we created the base face we are going to do it with the other parts of the luminous sign, only in different axes. We create a new sketch, between the ZY axes, we click on "Create"; we choose "Line" and we create the sketch with the given measures, then we click on "Finish sketch".

We continue clicking on "Create"; we choose "Extrude" and we give it 3 mm of volume; and then we click on "Modify"; we choose "Aspect", then we select an option and we drag it to the plane. Just save the file and we are done with the front face. 

Front Face 2

Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-27 a la(s) 18.00.15.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-27 a la(s) 19.33.47.png

As I said before, we do the same procedure, we create a new sketch, between the ZY axes, we click on Create; we choose Line and we create the sketch with the given measures, then we click on "Finish sketch".

We continue clicking on Create; we choose Extrude and we give it 3 mm of volume; and then we click on "Modify"; we choose "Aspect", then we select an option and we drag it towards the plane. Just save the file and we are done with the front face 2.

Side Face

Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 19.18.47.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-27 a la(s) 18.41.46.png

For the side face we start in the same way, we create a new sketch, between the ZX axes, we click on "Create"; we choose "Line". We create the sketch with the given measures, only that to make the inclination of the line of 100°, first we create a line of 70 mm and we make a slight inclination to the right and we will see how many degrees we incline, but to put an exact measure we will only have to press the Tab key to modify the inclination of the line.

Side Face (2)

Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 19.20.25.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-27 a la(s) 19.33.35.png

Then to make the 20 mm and 30 mm lines we'll just create lines on the 70 mm line, then when we're done with that we'll erase the one that's left over and we'll finish with that side of the plane. 

We will continue doing the rest of the plane and then click on "Create"; choose Extrude and give it 3 mm of volume; and then click on "Modify"; choose "Aspect", then select an option and drag it to the plane; just save the file and we are done with the side face.

Top Face

Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-27 a la(s) 18.47.28.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-27 a la(s) 19.33.20.png

We create a new sketch, between the YX axes, click on "Create"; choose "Line" and create the sketch with the given measures, then click on "Finish sketch".

We continue clicking on "Create"; we choose "Extrude" and we give it 3 mm of volume; and then we click on "Modify"; we choose "Aspect", then we select an option and we drag it to the plane. Just save the file and we are done with the top face.

Back Face

Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-27 a la(s) 19.26.05.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-27 a la(s) 19.32.50.png

We create a new sketch, between the ZY axes, we click on "Create"; we choose "Line" and we create the sketch with the given measures, then we click on "Finish sketch".

We continue clicking on "Create"; we choose "Extrude" and we give it 3 mm of volume; and then we click on "Modify"; we choose "Aspect", then we select an option and we drag it to the plane. Just save the file and we are done with the back face.

Face Design

Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 20.39.54.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 20.37.25.png

This side will be where we will be able to choose a design of our preference to put it in our illuminated sign, we will begin creating a new sketch, between the axes ZY, we click on "Create"; we choose "Line" and we create the sketch with the given measures, then we click on "Finish sketch".

We continue clicking on "Create"; we choose "Extrude" and we give it 3 mm of volume; and then we click on "Modify"; we choose "Aspect", then we select an option and we drag it to the plane.

To put a design, the only thing we have to do is, first search in Google the design we want but with the DXF format, because this way we will have an image with higher resolution, we save it in JPG or PNG.

Face Design (2)

Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 20.45.30.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 20.40.11.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 20.40.22.png

When we have it we can start with the drawing of the design; first we select the face where our design will go, we give right click and we choose "Create sketch" and there will be where we will draw our design; then we go to the option of "Insert"; we choose "Canvas", we insert the image that we saved and it will ask us in which face you want to position this image then we put it in the front profile. 

Face Design (3)

Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 20.41.31.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 20.43.26.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 20.43.21.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 20.43.38.png

Then when the image has been inserted we can modify the position or size with the arrows and the angles that they provide us, it is important that we always have it in opacity at 50 percent, we wait for it to load and then we go to "Create"; we choose "Spline" and then "Spline adjustment point". 

We approach to see better our drawing to then with the lines to go outlining and we will see that as we go creating the lines they will go positioning to the design that we are working; already when we finalize our design we remove the visibility of "Canvas" and we will see that this our drawing. Just save the file and we are done with the design.

Side Face Assembly

Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 19.21.46.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 19.24.20.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 19.24.07.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 19.24.30.png

We create another file and save it, in this case we don't need to create a new sketch, we just bring the files we have worked on; we go to the "Base Face" file and right click "Insert in current design". 

Then we do the same with the "Side Face" file and we position it on the right side of the "Base Face", we approach the intersection and we give the option to "Assemble"; we choose "Union" or we can also press the J button.

In this case we will only work with edges and with the cursor we position ourselves in the middle of the external edge of the "Side Face" and we will join it with the middle of the external edge of the "Base Face". And this is how the assembly will be carried out.

Side Face Assembly (2)

Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 19.22.40.png

Insert the "Side Face" again and position it this time on the left side of the "Base Face", approach the intersection and click on the "Assemble" option; choose "Union".

With the cursor we position ourselves in the middle of the external edge of the "Side Face" and we will join it with the middle of the external edge of the "Base Face". And this is how the assembly will be carried out.

Rear Face Assembly

Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 19.26.41.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 19.27.14.png

Insert the "Back Face" and position it well, approach the intersection and give the option "Assemble"; choose "Union".

With the cursor we position ourselves in the middle of the internal edge of the "Back Face" and we will join it with the middle of the external edge of the "Side Face". And this is how the assembly will be done.

Top Face Assembly

Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 19.28.48.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 19.29.25.png

Insert the “Top Face" and position it well, approach the intersection and click on the "Assemble" option; choose "Union".

With the cursor we position ourselves in the middle of the internal edge of the “Top Face" and we will join it with the middle of the external edge of the "Side Face". And this is how the assembly will be carried out.

Front Face Assembly 2

Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 19.35.56.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 19.35.01.png

We insert the "Front Face 2" and position it well on the back, this time we tilt it -10 mm, we approach the intersection and we give the option "Assemble"; we choose "Union".

With the cursor we position ourselves in the middle of the internal edge of the "Front Face 2" and we will join it with the middle of the external edge of the "Side Face". And this is how the assembly will be done.

Front Face Assembly

Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 19.36.44.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 19.46.00.png

Insert the "Front Face" and position it well, tilt it -10 mm as we did with the "Front Face 2", approach the intersection and give the option "Assemble"; choose "Union".

With the cursor we position ourselves in the middle of the internal edge of the "Front Face" and we will join it with the middle of the external edge of the "Side Face". And this is how the assembly will be done.

Assembly Face Design

Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 19.46.39.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 19.52.57.png
Captura de Pantalla 2022-03-29 a la(s) 19.51.50.png

We insert the "Design Face" and this is the only file that we are not going to assemble, we are only going to position it, we incline it -10 mm and we will make it fit right into the groove. So that the joints are not visible we just remove the "Joints" display and that's it, we are done with our Luminous Sign.

I hope you liked it and like this project you can make other different ones, well nothing more to say. Thanks