Low Cost Video Stabilizer

Video stabilizers are used to improve the smoothness of video when the operator is in motion. Professional version cost in excess of $500. The version shown below can support the weight of a DLSR camera and is made from less than $25 of materials. I’ve also included a video of the stabilizer in use along with a PDF version of the plans.
Drawing File:
- Tape measure
- Saw

Top Level

Follow these views for the build.
Cut Pipes and Organize Parts

Cut the ¾” PVC pipe as shown in the material list.
Side 1

Assemble first side as shown. You will use five (5) 1 ¾” length pipes, one (1) 3” pipe, and one (1) 24 ½” pipes.
Side 2

Assemble the second side which is a mirror image of the first side.
Cross Support Assy

Assemble cross assembly as shown. You will use two (2) 4” pipes and one (1) 3” pipe. Repeat process to build a second assembly.
Camera Mount

Drill hole through cap. Insert ¼-20. Captivate bolt with ¼-20 nut.

Connect Side 1 to Side 2 with the two (2) cross support assemblies and the two (2) 9 1/8” pipes. Add the camera mount to the front assembly. Add weight and cap to the rear assembly.
Glue (optional)
For additional rigidity, glue connections together. This will obviously prevent you breaking the rig down later.
Paint (optional)
Mask off the screw threads and paint the complete assembly.
Additional Damping (optional)
Add foam pad for additional damping and comfort
Final Product