Lovely White-Purple Cake

Hai, I always interest to food/drink that has sexy color. And now, let me tell you how to make a Lovely White-Purple Cake.
You Need

2 teaspoons baking powder
150ml water
250gr sugar
350ml egg white
150ml vegetable oil
300gr flour
Food color (purple)
20x20 cm cake pan
Heat the Pot

Fill the pot with water. Heat it. Wait until boiling.
Go to the cake

Mix the egg white, sugar, and baking powder. Stir it until soft and thick.
Add the Flour

Add the flour into the mixture, slowly.
Add the Vegetable Oil

After the flour, add vegetable oil into the mixture, slowly.
Add the Water

After the vegetable oil, add the water into the mixture, slowly.
Coloring Time

After all of the ingredients mix-well. Separate it into two.
One for the white one.
One for the purple one.
I use the mixture of red and blue food color to get that purple tone.
Stir the purple one until it well.
Pour the Purple

Pour the purple one into the pan. Steam it for 10 minutes.
Pour the White

After the purple one is half-cooked pour the white one above it. Steam it for 10-20 minutes until the cake is done.
To make sure your cake is done, insert the toothpick into the cake. If the toothpick is clean, your cake is done.
Turn off the stove
Wait and See
Remove the pan from the pot. Wait it cool for around 20 minutes. After that, you can remove the cake from the cake pan.
​Slice and Eat

Wow, your beautiful white-purple cake is ready. Slice it and you'll see the beautiful color.
I wish you will make it better than me.
Thanks for look my works.
Sorry for my bad English.
Another food project: Pisang Goreng (Fried Banana)