Looping Lucky Cloves Animate
by ChunLii in Craft > Digital Graphics
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Looping Lucky Cloves Animate
This is a small looping real-time animate I made in TouchDesigner.
you can find here to Download :D
Step1: Create the Leaves
- Take a 'Circle' SOP , Set Radius to [0.8, 1.8]
- Connect to 'Twist', change the Operation into 'Bend', bend the Y axis. Create the shape of leaf.
- Connect to another 'Twist', bend the Z axis.
- Copy into 4 leaves!!
Step2: Create the Stem
- Take a 'Tube' SOP, change both Radius to 0.1, Height to 5.
- Connect to 'Twist', set Operation to 'Bend'. Adjust Pivot axis Y to make the top of it to middle. Set the 'Strength' to the form you like, adjust the 'Rolloff' to make the bottom of stem fit.
- Change the position of leaves with 'Transform'
- Use 'Merge' to put leaves and stem together!
Step3: Set the Animate
- Take a 'Noise' CHOP, connect to a 'Math' and set the range from [-1, 1] to [-20, 20].
-Connect 'Rename' rename to "bend", and to a 'Null'.
-Take a 'LFO', set frequency to 0.2, connect to a 'Math' and set the range from [-1, 1] to [-20, 20].
-Connect 'Rename' rename to "ry", and to a 'Null'.
*\ these two signal will be the parameter of animate! \*
-Connect the merge cloves to a 'Transform' and a 'Twist'... and to a 'Null'
-Click the right down button of operator 'null2' , drag the parameter 'ty' to operator 'transform1' >Rotate Y , chose function 'CHOP Reference'.
-So does 'null1'. Click the right down button of operator 'null1' , drag the parameter 'bend' to operator 'twist4' >Strength , chose function 'CHOP Reference'.
Step4: Create a Circle Formation
Set up an environment:
- Select all operator, right click choose 'Collapse Selected' , it will collect into a single base operator. Name the operator 'cloves'.
- Connect your 'cloves' to a 'Transform' and a 'Geometry', take a 'Camera', a 'Light', and a 'Render'. connect 'Render' to a TOP 'Null'.
- Take a COMP 'Null', drag it into operator 'Camera' > 'Look At', also drag it into operator 'Light' > 'Look At'
Create the instance:
- Take a SOP 'Circle', change Orientation to 'ZX Plane' , turn Divisions lower to 10 (optional) , connect to 'Transform'.
- Connect it to a CHOP(green) operator 'SOP to', and CHOP 'Null'. Name it "instance".
- Go to 'Geometry' > page 'Instance', turn 'Instancing' on. Now you can drag the green CHOP 'instance' to 'Default Instance OP', and set Translate[X,Y,Z] to t[x,y,z].
- Adjust the position of camera and light as you wish.
Step5: Create a Back Ground and Set the Color
Back ground:
- Take a SOP 'Sphere', connect to 'Transform' and COMP 'Geometry'.
- Adjust the size of Sphere in 'Transform'.
Back ground color:
- Take first an operator MAT 'Constant' and second a TOP 'Ramp', set the color what ever you like. Then Drag the 'Ramp' to 'Constant' > Color Map. Drag the 'Constant' to 'geo2', choose 'Parm:Material'.
Cloves color:
- Take first an operator MAT 'Phong' and second a TOP 'Ramp', set the color what ever you like and change 'Type' from 'Vertical' to 'Circular' . Then Drag the 'ramp2' to 'Phong' > Color Map. Drag the 'Constant' to 'geo1', choose 'Parm:Material'.
Step6: Animate the Cloves and the Camera + Glowing Effect
Animate the cloves:
- Take a CHOP 'LFO', set Type from 'Sine' to 'Ramp', and set Frequency to 0.2.
- Click the button down right, then drag it to 'ramp2' > 'Phase', chose 'CHOP Reference'.
Animate the camera:
- Take a CHOP 'LFO' and set Frequency to 0.1, connect to 'Math' and set From Range -1, 1 to -5, 5. Then rename into "cam_tx".
- Drag 'cam_tx' to 'Camera' > Translate X, chose 'CHOP Reference'.
Make it look better:
- After 'Render', insert a TOP 'Level' , then connect it to TOP 'Blur' and 'Add'. It will look a bit glowing. You can adjust the parameter in 'Blur' > 'Pre-Shrink' and 'Filter Size' as you want!