Logic Gates Their Simulation, Explanation and Circuits in TinkerCad Using Bc547 Transistor
by Random Creations in Circuits > Electronics
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Logic Gates Their Simulation, Explanation and Circuits in TinkerCad Using Bc547 Transistor
Welcome! In this Instructable, I’ll be discussing Logic Gates their design, circuit, and simulation in Tinkercad.
Tinkercad is an online service that provides us with the tools by utilizing them we can make our circuits and also 3d models.
Logic Gates can be defined as the ideal way of Computation or an electronic device implementing Boolean Function or expression.
Boolean Function is a logical expression that can be performed over more than one binary input to get one Binary Output.
Logic gates can be implemented on various devices like diodes, transistors, vacuum tubes, optical devices, pneumatic devices and relays, and so many other things.
Logic Circuits include shift registers ( about which I covered an instructable) multiplexers, Arithmetic Logic Computers, and all the way up to Microprocessors which can contain billions of Logic gates. (Source Wikipedia).
The logic with which I designed my circuits is TTL which stands for Transistor-Transistor Logic
Alright, let's discuss them.
The things that we are going to need for our circuits are the above:
You can download the CSV file below that is basically a list of components that I used.
Types of Gates
There are a few types of gates like:
- · AND Gate
- · OR Gate
- · NOT Gate
- · NAND Gate (Universal Gate)
- · NOR Gate (Universal Gate)
- XNOR Gate (Exclusive gate)
- XOR Gate (Exclusive Gate)
I’ll be only discussing the First Five gates, not the exclusive ones.
AND Gate


AND gate is the basic logic gate that implements logical conjugation. It has two binary inputs which give one binary output.
The logical expression for AND gate can be given as C= A^B or C= A.B C is the output with A and B being Inputs.
· F =AB
Discussing the Expression:
F means our Binary Output which will be equal to the product of two binary Inputs A and B. If we multiply them we will simply be left with one output which will also be the binary output.
For instance, the Product of 0 x 0 = 0, and the product of anything against Zero is also zero. But Product of 1x 1 = One.
The symbol for and the gate is above the figure. Truth Table is also given above.
OR Gate
The OR gate is a digital Logic gate that implements Logical Disjunction from mathematical logic. Analytical representation is
· f(a,b) = a+b – a*b
· F = A+B
Discussing the Expression:
F means our Binary Output which will be equal to the Sum of two binary Inputs A and B. If we add them we will simply be left with one output which will also be the binary output.
For instance, Sum of 0 + 0 = 0, Sum of 0 + 1 = 1 But Sum of 1 + 1 will also be equal to 1 .
NOT Gate
Not gate which is also known as Inverter Logic because it inverts the inputs. And from mathematical Logics, it implements Logical Negation. It has one input and one output which is basically an inverted output.
Its analytical representation is:
· f(a) = 1-a
· F= A’
Discussing the Expression:
F means our Binary Output which will be equal to the inverted or complement of binary Inputs A.
For instance, If at Input We have 0 then after inverting we will get 1 at the output and the same for 1 which will be the 0 after inversion.
NAND Gate is one of the universal gates. It is a logic gate that produces an output which is false only if all its inputs are true; thus its output is complemented to that of an AND gate. NAND Logic gates logic can be expressed as:
· F= (A*B)’
Discussing the Expression:
F means our Binary Output which will be equal to the complement of the product of two binary Inputs A and B. If we multiply them and invert the result we will simply be left with one output which will also be the binary output.
For instance, the Product of 0 x 0 = 0 but after its inversion, we get 1, and the product of anything against Zero is also zero but after the inversion of Zero, we get One. But Product of 1x 1 = One and its inversion is 0.
Symbol and Truth table are given above.
NOR Gate
The NOR Gate is a digital logic gate that implements logical NOR, it behaves according to the Truth Table. It is also a universal gate. NOR is the result of the negation of the OR operator. It can also in some senses be seen as the inverse of an AND gate.
· F=(A+B)’
Discussing the Expression:
F means our Binary Output which will be equal to the complement or inversion of the Sum of two binary Inputs A and B. If we add them and invert the result we will simply be left with one output which will also be the binary output.
For instance, SUM of 0 + 0 = 0 but its inversion is One, Sum of 0 + 1 = 1 But inversion of 1 is equal to Zero, Sum of 1 + 1 will also be equal to 1 but its inversion is Zero .
The symbol and Truth table are given above.
It’s Done

You can watch my video for detail instructions and circuit simulation.