Lite Camping Knife

This tool is made with a used plastic gift card. It is perfect for the lightweight camping kitchen. It is safe to carry in a pocket and has many functions. If you come in contact with cutting edge the most you will feel is a little poke. yet, it will cut fruits, vegetables, bread, cheese and cooked meats.
A Few Tools

Find an old gift card made from plastic but flexible and a hole punch, scissors--a ruler and pen may also be helpful.
Punch Some Semi-circles and Holes

With the hole punch on a long edge punch out semi-circles making sharp points where the half circles meet. Across from the serrated edge you just made punch several holes.
At the Camp

This little tool can cut most camp foods. The holes will strain pasta and veggies. The uncut edges work as a scraper and a spatula. Always let boiling water cool some. I have found that water near boiling temperatures will deform the plastic.

A good healthy meal made with your lite camping knife will give you the energy to enjoy the outdoors.