Linux on XE303C12 Chromebook

by Sirius38 in Circuits > Computers

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Linux on XE303C12 Chromebook


Hello in this tutorial i will be showing how to boot Kali Linux from an SD card on the Samsung Chromebook 1.

This was a very hard project so have patience i will include an email so if any of you guys get stuck please email me and i will try to help you. So without any further adieu lets dive in.


what you will need for this project is simple

- a computer to work from

- a Chromebook (duh!)

- an SD card (the OS requires 5GB so i recommend a 32GB SD card)

Operating System


So Kali Linux is not my favorite OS just it's the one that works so that's what were going with.

Since the Chromebook is an ARM based laptop you can't just boot any Linux OS. So what took me longest was finding a bootable OS and hear is what I have... *drum-roll*


If for some reason this image is no longer available please contact me because i have copy's downloaded.

Flashing Sd Card


In order to flash the image to the SD card you must download and run balena etcher

After opening balena etcher click select image and navigate to the Kali Linux iso. Double click on it once you find it. Then click select drive. After selecting your SD card click FLASH! And you should be on your way.

Developer Mode


In order to modify the chromebook you must have developer privileges. In order to switch your chromebook into developer mode you must hold down the esc and refresh keys then tap the power button. When you arrive at the screen pictured above press ctrl+d it will then ask you to verify just press enter. The chromebook will then take several minutes to reset. WARNING this step will wipe all your data and can not be avoided. From now on at start up it will show a screen informing you that os verification is off to continue start up press ctrl+d or wait 30 seconds.

Modifying Chromebook BIOS

In order to boot from usb you must modify the Chromebooks BIOS. To do that you have to open a terminal, do that by pressing ctrl+alt+t. After the terminal opens type shell and hit enter. Congrats now you are into the shell terminal of the chromebook. Now it gets tricky type

#- sudo crossystem dev_boot_legacy=1 -#


#- sudo crossystem dev_boot_usb=1 -# then reboot


This time at the os verification screen press ctrl+u and it should boot from usb (SD)


First off all give yourself a pat on the back becuase the easy part is over and continue to next step.

Resize Partitions

This may sound like an easy step but you can't just g-part for a number of reasons

1. g-parted does not yet exist and can not be installed

2.if you did g-part then chromebook will not boot because it messes up the root partition

ok so here it goes better open a terminal

# apt- WAIT!! we dont have repositories installed yet

ok forget the first part

# apt-get update

# apt-get install git aptitude

# apt-get update

ok now

# apt-get install cloud-guest-utils

# growpart /dev/mmcblk1 2

# resize2fs /dev/mmcblk1p2 // ok this command should take awhile just wait

# cgpt repair /dev/mmcblk1

#cgpt repair /dev/mmcblk1 2

# reboot

Finishing Up

Ok then now you can install g-parted

# apt-get install gparted

and then have fun i would recommend a few commands :

# apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

# apt-get install lxde // alt desktop environment ( i tried gnome but it does not work well )

# apt-get install synaptic // software manager

Allright so that should be all if you have any trouble at please contact me at

Thanks and if this really helped you guys then please leave a like because this took a long time to put together.