Linear Equation Generator
Life-size x/y coordinate plane with workspace.
Step 1: Gather Supplies
The first step in creating your own life-size instructional coordinate plane is to gather all the necessary supplies. To make it a truly personalized linear equation generator one needs the following:
-Velcro material
-White permanent marker
-8 x 10 white board from Home Depot
Step 2: Construct X/Y Coordinate Plane
The next step is to actually construct the x/y coordinate plane. In order to do this, one must cut the velcro sheet 4 feet by 4 feet. Then, one must use the yardstick to draw a straight vertical line in the center and a straight horizontal line in the middle of the velcro sheet. One can use the white permanent marker to accomplish this. Then, one must draw 10 lines going in both directions, each 4.8 inches away. This will allow you to go up to 10 in all directions. If you want to include more lines, you must use less space in between each block. Be sure to draw a "x" on the horizontal axis and a "y"on the vertical axis. Then one must place the magnetic white board in the top right corner. If the magnet is too weak, one can drill it into the time right corner. Next, one can use 3M tape to mount the x/y coordinate plane anywhere on a wall.
Step 3: Cut Out Graphing Supplies
One can either order the following velcro symbols off of amazon or make them out of the remaining velcro material. You should have at least 2 arrows so you can attach them going in opposite directions and at least 2 velcro dots in order to plot the y-intercept and your next point using slope.