Limited Phone Using System

This system can limit your phone using the time while doing works, so you won't get distracted while working.
Follow the steps to make this system!
Prepare for Materilas

Materials You need:
1. Breadboard
2. Arduino Leonard Board
3. LED *8 (Red*4 Green*4)
4. Jumper Cables
5. Resistors*1
10. Utility knife
11. Photo resistance
12. Tape
13. Hot Glue
Circuit Connection

1. Put the LEDs on the breadboard, the negative terminal connects with GND
2.Put the LEDs with R G R G R G R G
3. Connect jumper cables with the positive terminal of LED
4. Take jumper cable's another side connect with pin 2~9 (Red with 2,4,6,8)(Green with 3,5,7,9)
5.Take a resistor on one side connected to GND
6. Use the jumper cable connects to the A0 into another side of the resistor
7. A jumper cable connects to 5V
8. A jumper cable connects with resistor and A0 pin jumper cable
9. Use jumper cable in step 7 and 8 to connect with the photo resistance
Designing the Box


The box is to fit in the breadboard and Arduino Board, so the box needs to be big enough
1. Open a sketch website or app to design the box
2. Make a long space at the box side to see the LED lights
3. Make a cover for the box that can put on and take off
4. Make 4 small spaces to hold the cover-up
5. Cut a small hole in the middle of the cover to put the photo resistance in
Make the Box Out

1. Cut the Cardboard into pieces using a utility knife
2. Use Hot glue to connect the sides of cardboards
3. Cut spaces needed
4. Using Tape to fill the long space
5. Cut a hole on the cover of the box(in middle)
6. Done
Place the System

1. Place the Arduino Board and breadboard into the box
2. Stick the photoresistor in the hole on the cover with tape
3. Done
Programing Codes
Copy the codes and upload them on Arduino, connected the system with USB to the computer, and see what happens!