Lily∞Bot: Open Source Robot for Academics

by carlottaberry in Circuits > Arduino

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Lily∞Bot: Open Source Robot for Academics

Lily Hi Res Photo.jpg
Motion control on Lily-bot - Open Source Hardware Mobile Robot Platform

Mobile robot with Arduino Uno, 3 LEDS, microcontroller, batteries, motors, and wheels.



  • Upper Chassis (3d print)
  • Lower Chassis (3d print)
  • Motor Mounts (3d print) 2
  • Standoffs (3d print) 4
  • Caster ball wheel 1/2" 1
  • Mini breadboards 2
  • TB6612 Motor Driver 1
  • TT DC Motors 2
  • PLA Filament 1 
  • 1/8" Caster Wheels 1
  • Dual Lock 2"
  • Screws and Nuts Various sizes
  • Scissors
  • Phillips Head ScrewDriver
  • 3 LEDS
  • 3 220Ω resistors
  • Various male-female wires
  • Various male-male wires
  • Amazon robot parts list


Project Introduction

I am an open-source hardware trailblazer and this is part of my guidebook to show academics how to engage in open source hardware for outreach, education and research in particular in the area of robotics. This is the first phase with definitely of Lily-bot for service and education for novice users in service and education. The next phase will scale up Lily-bot to Rosie-bot. This proof of concept robot shows that it is able to do all required motions before adding on sensors and peripherals for more advanced behaviors.

To assemble please follow steps 2 through 7 or watch the videos at the following links:

  • assemble robot link here
  • wire robot link here

Print 3D Models

Download the 3d models from the GITHUB repository and print the number indicated in the filename, link here


Purchase all items and get all supplies on the list.


Upper Chassis


Use the screws to attach the breadboard and Arduino Uno to the top chassis based upon the following image and labels on chassis. Power port on Uno points towards words.

Attach Motor to Motor Mount


Use screws to attach 2 motors to two motor mounts. Then attach wheels to each motor mount as shown in the following image.

Bottom Chassis


Use motors and wheels to bottom chassis as shown in the image. The robot is now completely built.

Wiring Diagram


Use the following figure to attach the 3 LEDS, 3 resistors and motor controller to the breadboard. Use the following wiring diagram to connect the motors, LEDs and motor controller to the Arduino Uno.

  • Arduino pin 5 Blue LED
  • Arduino pin 6 Yellow LED
  • Arduino pin 7 Green LED
  • Arduino pin 8 AIN1
  • Arduino pin 9 AIN2
  • Arduino pin 10 PWMA
  • Arduino pin 11 PWMB
  • Arduino pin 12 BIN2
  • Arduino pin 13 BIN1
  • Arduino GND GND
  • Arduino 5V Vcc
  • Arduino VIN Vm
  • Left Motor Motor A
  • Right Motor Motor B

Graphical Programming to Enable Motion Control

Lily∞Bot: Graphical Programming Motion control on LilyBot
Lily_Motion_SDK image.PNG

Program the Robot to Move

Use the code on the GITHub and here to test that the robot is working, it should look like the robot movement in the video.

Stay tuned and come back for future projects as we expand on the base platform and add more sensors, peripherals and robot behaviors.

  Control 2 DC motors with TB6612 motor controller (
  This program will create low level motion control: forward, reverse, spin, turn, pivot, stop

  Carlotta A. Berry, PhD
  August 5, 2022

  Hardware Connections:
  Vmotor - voltage for the motors, not logic level (4.5-13.5V)
  Vcc - voltage for the logic levels (Arduinos, 5V)
  GND - shared logic and motor ground

  INA1, INA2 - two inputs to the Motor A H-bridges
  PWMA - PWM input for the Motor A H-bridges, if you dont need PWM control, connect this to logic high.
  INB1, INB2 - two inputs to the Motor B H-bridges
  PWMB - PWM input for the Motor B H-bridges, if you dont need PWM control, connect this to logic high.
  STBY - standby pin for quickly disabling both motors, pulled up to Vcc thru a 10K resistor. Connect to ground to disable.

  These are 'Vmotor level' power outputs
  Motor A - these are the two outputs for motor A, controlled by INA1, INA2 and PWMA
  Motor B - these are the two outputs for motor B, controlled by INB1, INB2 and PWMB

  Vmotor to VIN
  Vcc to 5V
  GND to ground
  AIN1 to Digital 4
  AIN2 to Digital 5
  BIN1 to Digital 6
  BIN2 to Digital 7
  PWMA and PWMB to Vcc

//state LEDs
int ledPins[3] = {5, 6, 7};
int redLED = 5;
int bluLED = 6;
int grnLED = 7;

//the left motor will be controlled by the motor A pins on the motor driver
const int AIN1 = 8;           //control pin 1 on the motor driver for the left motor
const int AIN2 = 9;            //control pin 2 on the motor driver for the left motor
const int PWMA = 10;            //speed control pin on the motor driver for the left motor

//the right motor will be controlled by the motor B pins on the motor driver
const int PWMB = 11;           //speed control pin on the motor driver for the right motor
const int BIN2 = 12;           //control pin 2 on the motor driver for the right motor
const int BIN1 = 13;           //control pin 1 on the motor driver for the right motor

//robot behaviour variables
int moveTime = 2000;            //amount of time robot will move
int robotSpeed = 100;           //robot speed

void setup()
  for (int i = 0; i < 3 ; i++) {
    pinMode(ledPins[i], OUTPUT);
  //for (int i = 0; i < 3 ; i++) {
  //  digitalWrite(ledPins[i], HIGH);
  //set the motor control pins as outputs
  pinMode(AIN1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(AIN2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(PWMA, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(BIN1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(BIN2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(PWMB, OUTPUT);

  int baudrate = 9600;              //serial communication baud rate
  Serial.begin(baudrate);           //start serial commnication
  Serial.print("Lily∞bot begin");  //print start message
  int waittime = 5000;               //robot wait time
  delay(waittime);                  //robot delay before moving

void loop()

  spin(robotSpeed, 1);

  spin(robotSpeed, -1);
  pivot(robotSpeed, 1);

  pivot(robotSpeed, -1);
  turn(robotSpeed, 1);
  turn(robotSpeed, -1);

//robot stop function
void stop() {
  //left motor stop
  digitalWrite(AIN1, LOW);                          //set pin 1 to low
  digitalWrite(AIN2, LOW);                          //set pin 2 to low
  //right motor stop
  digitalWrite(BIN1, LOW);                          //set pin 1 to low
  digitalWrite(BIN2, LOW);                          //set pin 2 to low

//robot forward function
void fwd(int speed) {
  digitalWrite(redLED, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(AIN1, HIGH);                         //set pin 1 to high
  digitalWrite(AIN2, LOW);                          //set pin 2 to low
  digitalWrite(BIN1, HIGH);                         //set pin 1 to low
  digitalWrite(BIN2, LOW);                        //set pin 2 to high
  analogWrite(PWMA, abs(speed));    //set forward speed
  analogWrite(PWMB, abs(speed));    //set forward speed

//robot reverse function
void rev(int speed) {
  digitalWrite(bluLED, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(AIN1, LOW);                         //set pin 1 to low
  digitalWrite(AIN2, HIGH);                        //set pin 2 to high
  digitalWrite(BIN1, LOW);                         //set pin 1 to low
  digitalWrite(BIN2, HIGH);                        //set pin 2 to high
  analogWrite(PWMA, abs(speed));    //set reverse speed
  analogWrite(PWMB, abs(speed));    //set reverse speed

//robot spin function
void spin(int speed, int dir) {
  digitalWrite(grnLED, HIGH);
  if (dir > 0) {
    digitalWrite(AIN1, LOW);                         //set pin 1 to low
    digitalWrite(AIN2, HIGH);                        //set pin 2 to high
    digitalWrite(BIN1, HIGH);                         //set pin 1 to low
    digitalWrite(BIN2, LOW);                        //set pin 2 to high
  } else {
    digitalWrite(AIN1, HIGH);                         //set pin 1 to low
    digitalWrite(AIN2, LOW);                        //set pin 2 to high
    digitalWrite(BIN1, LOW);                         //set pin 1 to low
    digitalWrite(BIN2, HIGH);                        //set pin 2 to high
  analogWrite(PWMA, abs(speed));    //set reverse speed
  analogWrite(PWMB, abs(speed));    //set reverse speed

//robot turn function
void turn(int speed, int dir) {
  digitalWrite(redLED, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(bluLED, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(AIN1, HIGH);                         //set pin 1 to low
  digitalWrite(AIN2, LOW);                        //set pin 2 to high
  digitalWrite(BIN1, HIGH);                         //set pin 1 to low
  digitalWrite(BIN2, LOW);                        //set pin 2 to high
  if (dir > 0) {
    analogWrite(PWMA, robotSpeed*1.5);
    analogWrite(PWMB, robotSpeed*0.5);
  else {
    analogWrite(PWMA, robotSpeed*0.5);
    analogWrite(PWMB, robotSpeed*1.5);

//robot pivot function
void pivot(int speed, int dir) {
  digitalWrite(bluLED, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(grnLED, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(AIN1, HIGH);                         //set pin 1 to low
  digitalWrite(AIN2, LOW);                        //set pin 2 to high
  digitalWrite(BIN1, HIGH);                         //set pin 1 to low
  digitalWrite(BIN2, LOW);                        //set pin 2 to high
  if (dir > 0) {
    analogWrite(PWMA, 0);
    analogWrite(PWMB, abs(speed));
  else {
    analogWrite(PWMA, abs(speed));
    analogWrite(PWMB, 0);

//turn all the LEDS off
void allLedsOff () {
  for (int i = 0; i < 3 ; i++) {
    digitalWrite(ledPins[i], LOW);