Ligneto Snureto

by Wubbo Creatie Studio in Workshop > Woodworking

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Ligneto Snureto


A Stool and a Storage!

This is a good Woodworking project with basic tools or a great first time CNC project.

Any size of panel possible. No Glue, No Nails, No screws.

What Do You Need

Ligneto 1.jpg

Main Info on Product and Project

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Steps to Do

Ligneto 2.jpg

How This Instruction Works

Ligneto 4.jpg

You Can Use CNC Or..

Ligneto 5.jpg

You Can Use Basic Woodworking Tools

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A Spreadsheet Helps You Get the Right Dimensions

Ligneto 7.jpg

* unable to upload the spreadsheet, so you can use the Fusion 360 file. *

How the Fusion 360 File Works

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Fully Adjustable

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You Can Change These Values

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Layout of the Stool

Ligneto 11.jpg

Measuring and Marking

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Cutting the Panel

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Making the Individual Boards

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Prepare for Lacing

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Starting Point Lacing

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Lace All Around

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Connecting the Lid

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Finish the Lacing

Ligneto 19.jpg

How to Use It

Ligneto 20.jpg

A Stool and a Storage

Ligneto 21.jpg

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