Lightweight Ipod in Bed
Based one Jollexs Ipod In Bed, I have made this lightweight one that uses less pieces, and can have either an Ipod classic or Ipod touch without changing anything.
This is the first part oft he sides. Build 2. Thes are the same as in Jollexs .
Sides Part 2
Now build 2 of these. They are different and need less pieces.
Finish Sides
Connect them and you should have 2 of these.
Ipod Holder
Build this, some of the pieces are different, they are just anything that spaces it out, so andything will work.
Ipod Stand
Now build this to hold the Ipod holder
Complete Ipod Part
Now connect them like this.
Finish Up
Now connect it like this and you're ready to go! See intro for how to put the ipod in, and just slide an Ipod touch onto the 4 white rods