Lightbox on Sonar Activation

by thijmendebrouwer in Craft > Art

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Lightbox on Sonar Activation


I made an lightbox that goes on whenever a person walks/stands in front of it. It's called 'Nature's call' and its an fully recycled project to showcase what beauties can be made from old stuff. Because it only goes on whenever someone walks in front of it it also reserves some energy making it more green then a general lightbox. The art of the lightbox is interchangable making it so you dont need to make an entire new lightbox when you want to see something else.


  • 1 arduino
  • 1 breadboard
  • 9 white leds
  • 9 resistors
  • 32 wires
  • 1 sonar device (RCWL -1601)



Connect the wires to your arduino and to your breadboard.

Sonar and Leds


Connect the sonar and leds to your breadboard.



Make different layers of an artpiece and make this into linework. Put the linework onto some paper and cut it out. You also want to fold some paper or cut some foam to make the layers of the artwork stable within your lightbox.


Write the arduino code and enjoy the lightshow!