Light Up Your Pool
If you are having a party and you have a pool or a fountain you cannot miss the opportunity to bring color to it!
This easy idea will give you the opportunity to make your party more funny by lighting this clue spaces
- 3 Pearl balloons
- 3 Led light (special light that can be immersed into water)
- 9 stones
- 3 small plastic bags
- 3 elastic bands
Light Up the Light
Lights need to be working so you can light the balloons. Led lights battery will last around 10 hours
Introduce Light Into Balloon
Add led light in the balloons.
Fill Balloon With Air
Blow the balloon to make it grow to its full size.
Stones and Bags
Add 2-3 stones into small bags. This will add weight to the balloon.
Hold Stones in Balloon
With the elastic band add stones and bags in the balloon
Place in Water
Place your balloons in water and decorate.
I love how it looks.