Light Up Robot Helmet With "Cybernetic Brain"

by KlockworkKevin in Craft > Costumes & Cosplay

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Light Up Robot Helmet With "Cybernetic Brain"

I created this instructable about the making of a helmet for a Robot costume that I am planning on wearing for Halloween.
I built it mostly out of things I have found after dumpster diving or old Mardi Gras Throws, but you could buy the components, or similiar ones.


Materials and Tools

Materials List
Catcher's Helmet-I found this helmet dumpster diving and painted it solid black for this project. 
Silver "No Face" mask(You can look out, they can't look in)-bought this at the costume shop I work at "New Orleans Party and Costume"-$7.95
Silver "UFO" Lamp- Had a fiber optic tree on it but the lights in the base did not work. I also bought this at my work $5.00
2 AA Battery Holder- Salvaged this out of a broken Battery Powered Lamp I found Dumpster Diving
On/Off Slide Switch-Salvaged from same Lamp
Color Changing LED- I took this LED from a broken Mardi Gras throw I found last Mardi Gras-Was originally a little plastic glowing orb
Triangle shaped Circuit board with Red, Green, and Blue LEDs- This was in a small circular case I found smashed on the road on my bike ride to work. The driver board and LED's were okay though. It switches between different combinations of the three LED's 
Various Lengths of wire that I've cut off different broken circuits

Soldering Iron
Needle Nose Pliers
Wire Snips
Hot Glue Gun
Clear Scotch Tape


Solder Leads Onto the LED's and Switch

This step is simply to solder longer leads onto the LED's and the Switch so I could position them where I needed them and slide the wires into the helmet to the power supply. The two other LED's were white LED's I was going to use for an eye effect but decided it would obstruct my vision too much.

Disassemble the "Silver UFO" Light and Secure the Fiber Optic Spray With Epoxy

I took apart the "UFO" light, and made sure the Fiber Optic Tree, which kept falling out, was permanently attached to the top part of the housing by fitting it in with epoxy.

Align the Color Changing LED Under the Fiber Optic Tree

I secured the single Color Changing LED  with epoxy so that it was directly aligned shing straight into the fiber optic strands

Mounting the "Thinking" LED and the Fiber Optic Tree "Cybernetic Brain" to the Helmet

First I slid the wires from the LED's through vents in the helmet. Then I epoxied the Triangle Shaped board with the LED's onto the part of the Helmet that sits over my forehead (i decided to call it my thinking LED) and epoxied the top of the Silver UFO light the Fiber Optic Spray on the top of the Helmet.

Weaving the Fiber Optic Strands Together and Running Them Back Into the Helmet

Next I gathered the Fiber Optic Strands into four bundles and wove some strands of each bundle around and through itself and inserted then into vent holes in to the back of the helmet. I then glued them against the back of the helmet on the inside. WARNING: Be Careful with Hot Glue and those fiber optic strands. they melt them. Which was okay for my project because it sort of melted them into the glued mass against the back of the helmet, but to use caution in projects with hot glue around fiber optics is a lesson I learned from this

Attach All the LED's to the Battery Pack and Switch, and Mount the Battery Pack and Switch Into the Helmet

Next was to solder the lights in parallel to the battery pack and switch. after this I epoxied the battery pack to the top of the helmet near the back where there was a little bit of wiggle room do to a missing pad and epoxied the switch to the top of the helmet in a way that it stuck out just enough through a vent hole for it to be switched on and off even while its being worn.

Attach the Mask to the Helmet

Then I finally attached the No Face Chrome mask to the helmet. Using a mirror I lined it up on the helmet on to decide how it centered over my face best, and just used some scotch tape to hold it in place while the epoxy dried. After that it was ready to wear. I plan on using it for part of a Robot costume for Halloween this year.
